Well-known member
The original U47 does have quite a low value (60M) for the grid resistor. With a capsule capacitance of 80pF the bass will start to roll off (-3dB) at 33 Hz in cardioid. When both capsules are paralleled in omni mode, the bass will roll off an octave lower.
As an aside, I am at present not certain why 1G should be the usual value for Rg these days: I have always used it without questioning it; but I will think about this...
IF there is grid current, and I think this is unlikely to be the case with all three of them, your tubes are out of spec. In this case, changing Rg to 1MB will change Vg, which, in the absence of grid current, should be 0v -- and also Vk and Va. It is hard to measure these changes directly: one needs a very hi-Z dc meter.
I am actually building a U47 clone with polar diagrams switched in the power supply, using the Skylar EQU47 body and an EF14 tube (I also have three of these). My power supply up to now has been a lash up, but I am building a proper one this weekend. In testing my bread-boarded power supply I had consistent results with two of my tubes.
I am basically using the right hand circuit here: http://www.tab-funkenwerk.com/id85.html; but in order to obtain the fig-8 polar diagram I have raised the basic HT at the power supply from 105v to 120v, changed the value of the dropper resistor R8 and made R7 2Mohm, to compensate. Va is still 34v and the capsule polarizing voltage still 60v. I have not tried the diode biassing method, and am not sure what the advantanges would be.
When I have a finished power supply I will report on my findings in more detail.
The original U47 does have quite a low value (60M) for the grid resistor. With a capsule capacitance of 80pF the bass will start to roll off (-3dB) at 33 Hz in cardioid. When both capsules are paralleled in omni mode, the bass will roll off an octave lower.
As an aside, I am at present not certain why 1G should be the usual value for Rg these days: I have always used it without questioning it; but I will think about this...
IF there is grid current, and I think this is unlikely to be the case with all three of them, your tubes are out of spec. In this case, changing Rg to 1MB will change Vg, which, in the absence of grid current, should be 0v -- and also Vk and Va. It is hard to measure these changes directly: one needs a very hi-Z dc meter.
I am actually building a U47 clone with polar diagrams switched in the power supply, using the Skylar EQU47 body and an EF14 tube (I also have three of these). My power supply up to now has been a lash up, but I am building a proper one this weekend. In testing my bread-boarded power supply I had consistent results with two of my tubes.
I am basically using the right hand circuit here: http://www.tab-funkenwerk.com/id85.html; but in order to obtain the fig-8 polar diagram I have raised the basic HT at the power supply from 105v to 120v, changed the value of the dropper resistor R8 and made R7 2Mohm, to compensate. Va is still 34v and the capsule polarizing voltage still 60v. I have not tried the diode biassing method, and am not sure what the advantanges would be.
When I have a finished power supply I will report on my findings in more detail.