I've been working on the rectifiers and encountered an unexpected problem. After moving to France, I have been unable to find my supply of silicone heat sink insulators. No problem, I'll just order some more, but after fruitless searching of RS and Farnell websites I realised that they no longer sell them, fortunately I was able to order from a supplier on Amazon. I guess they don't expect people to work with discrete components any more.
Took a long time to drill and tap threads into this heatsink.
This is for the schottky diode package for the heater supply. TO220 format and needs a the silicone insulating pad as its screwed to the chassis.
Handy tip for making a custom bridge rectifier, screw the tags to some wood while you solder.
Sorry for blurred pic, but you get the idea.
Finished article
I've used UF5408's for two reasons, one they are fast so low capacitance and less hash, two they can easily handle the surge into the 470uF HT caps, 1N4007's are on the limit.
This is the bridge in place
I have also added two steel screens, one either side to make a sandwich, on the transformer box amp side.
This took quite a long time to make, but its done and dusted now. The two countersunk holes top right are where the heat sink attaches.