Look how this cap is in series with the xfmr primary. It forms an HPF where the series element is the 1uF cap and the shunt elements are the inductance of the primary in parallels with the grid resistance reflected to the primary (425k/20.20 => a little over 1k).My3gger said:My input transformer doesn't have a CT where i could put a that 1u cap for HPF. Does this cap work with transformer DCR or in some other way? I can't see how it would form a filter with inductance here...
Yes and no. This method has a drawback; the impedance seen by the xfmr primary is somewhat higher than expected, which may be the cause of some distortion.It is probably good to limit lows right before the input, or not?
Since you don't have a CT, you could connect the cap in either leg of the primary, but this would impair the CMRR at HF, because of the parasitic capacitance of the leads. So you need to put two caps of double value, one in each leg.Many other preamps have coupling caps for this (or is it just "side effect"?), so i might do the same.
BTW, the value of the caps depends on the desired cut-off frequency and the xfmr's primary inductance, so you'll have to experiment. With 425k and 1:10 ratio, the reflected resistance will be about 4k, so the response will be underdamped (hump right over cut-off frequency). You'll probably need 100-120k there.