v672/1 problem

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
France Pays basque
Hi everyone i have two v672 (one v672/1 and one v672/2 both with metal can ic labeled 709) that suddenly had same issue in a rack with v676a on same power supply. The v676a worked well but some smoke came out of the rack and the v 672  seemed to not pass audio anymore. it appears that r314 (47 ohms at the output of the ic301 ) was close to burn (even if not totally) ... any idea ?
Is there a source for this ic ? It is not the flat film one but a "transistor like" round metal can ( is it a metal version of the lm709 ?)
my first guess would be a uA709/LM709

Why is it suddenly doing strange stuff?

Original caps still in there?

First answer, as always... Recap!

If the resistor at the output of an OpAmp  gets hot is because it is drawing too much  current, maybe because of a shortcut.
What if you unplug the output conector?