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I will apologize in advance for feeding this veer and corrupting this clean vaccine thread. :(


I don't appreciate the class warfare and racial enmity. For example in Minneapolis 75% of black voters opposed reducing the police force. Who do you think the police are protecting from violent crime? Of course the partisan race baiters are telling a different story. The electorate voted and 56% voted against dismantling the police force. Portland and Seattle are still trying to undo the damage from pulling millions out of police budgets over recent years.

Likewise I don't share your low opinion about voter reform laws. Legislators trying to game the system for political advantage is the second oldest profession. As I have shared multiple times before, in 1975 France outlawed mail-in balloting because of massive vote fraud. I thought liberals wanted to be like France, I prefer the post 1975 France when it comes to voting. We should all want fair and honest elections that we can trust**, both sides appear to be hyperbolic about this issue. We need to make it hard to cheat.


PS: I blame ex-president Trump's bloviating about vote counting shenanigans for losing one or both of the GA senate runoff seats. He seems to have wisely scaled back his ranting in VA and NJ despite Terry McAuliffe trying to summon him like Beetlejuice by saying his name ad nauseum. VP Harris made a prescient statement about the significance of the VA vote. Time will tell how the mid terms play out.
I don't appreciate the class warfare and racial enmity. For example in Minneapolis 75% of black voters opposed reducing the police force. Who do you think the police are protecting from violent crime?
People vote for stupid things all the time. The MO of police (as a group, not necessarily as individuals) seems to be to blackmail people into allowing them to behave however they choose by not doing their job. I have no respect for that. There are serious problems with policing in this country, the cops know it, and they resist every effort at any sort of reform.

Likewise I don't share your low opinion about voter reform laws.

Yes. Those innocent GOP "reformers" just want to fight fraud--oh, mean the ones who were caught using race as a factor in their gerrymandering schemes? Those GOP "reformers?" The "reforms" that fix problems that there's zero evidence for, or that just limit access to the polls simply because that's what helps the GOP?

In my state, they're doing everything they can to discourage participation, and specifically to make it harder for people in urban areas to vote. That's the goal. Is it racist, or simply partisan election-rigging? Maybe it's both. (And please--don't even pretend that the South isn't littered with racists and White supremacists. I grew up here. I live here. Heard it, seen it, lived it. Still trying to get over it.)
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I don't appreciate the ... racial enmity.
And what do you think the anti-CRT hullaballoo is? The Republican racists are a) telling Black folks they are still second class citizens, and that if they feel their ancestors were injured or aggrieved by White Amurricans, well they darn well keep it out of the public schools where little Biffy or Cindy might hear about it & start to thinking that White people aren't perfect; and b) giving White folks cover to exercise their worst nature, indulging in fear, prejudice and paranoia about Those People.

Sorry, John. You're supporting a party that not only encourages racism and racial enmity but thrives on it--in fact, couldn't survive in its current form without it.
From where I sit CRT looks like the left is teaching racism, telling kids to treat people differently because of their color... Children are not born racist they are taught to be racist by adults. The white children are not born oppressors and the black children are not born victims. They are just kids, and left alone would be fine with each other.

Congrats on the world series win...

Things that ring true for me these days is the problems are addressed as race by elites billionaires, politicians and people with good jobs when the real problem is about class. I know many whites that have slipped thru the cracks of elites moving jobs offshore to save money. Then blame race as the issue. Politicians can triple the budget of capital police to protect their asses while some preach defunding in the states and cities they represent. Elites live a different life while buying up houses and apartments to create impossible boundaries and high rents for working class and poor to ever get pass. It becomes about class but allow us to fight about race to cover the real problem. There is a point where the stability crumbles.

this thread has become a vent for ills that we all feel these days. Sorry to veer of the vaccine thread.
From where I sit CRT looks like the left is teaching racism, telling kids to treat people differently because of their color... Children are not born racist they are taught to be racist by adults. The white children are not born oppressors and the black children are not born victims. They are just kids, and left alone would be fine with each other.

Congrats on the world series win...

That sounds so good on the surface. However, when the response to this supposed CRT is to ban the teaching of anything that might hurt the feelings of a little White child (or even worse, cause them to question their racist parents) , then what you're really doing is rewriting history to protect the Snowflake Class--White folks who are apparently too delicate to acknowledge the parts of US history that show their ancestors in a less-than-glowing light. We've had more than a century of that sort of evasion--glorification of racists and traitors.

Yes, kids aren't born racist, but they aren't born into a world without racism. Ignoring or sugarcoating the past will not change or disappear the ills that persist into the present day. And the anti-CRT crowd seem more than happy to ignore the persistent racism ingrained into and pervasive amongst American Whites. The problem is that White Americans have for too long lied to themselves (and to their children) about their own ugly history--to the detriment of Black Americans. And the anti-CRT movement is about preserving those lies for future generations.
Wow I’m thinking we’re all done with this vaccine topic. Nice to get that handled.😄
Let’s move on to some other problems to solve.
I was thinking about moving them all....

Many years ago I suggested we needed a blog... for mindless blather, that naturally disappears after some time.

This is because after the Norman conquest, the gentry spoke French and all legal documents were in Latin. English was spoken by the common people who were a mix of Angles, Saxons, Danes, Celts etc and over many years, because they were simple folk, the form of the language became simplified.


What a great bit of insight that was, my friend! Makes total sense. :)
What a great bit of insight that was, my friend! Makes total sense. :)
Derivation of languages is interesting in a historical sense. Ironically perhaps the language spoken by church elders was Latin a carry over from the influence of the roman empire, despite ancient Rome's conflicted history with christians. :rolleyes:

While English has germanic roots "old english" derived from anglosaxon roots has a pretty complex vocabulary and 85% of old english words have fallen out of modern use. Alternately the romance languages of Europe (french, spanish, etc) have latin roots.

I suspect some of the latin use by church elders was too keep some separation between church elites and the rabble in the pews.


PS: I studied Latin in HS and find it useful to help figure out what odd words mean... I used to joke that Italy would rise again. :unsure: These days we need to study Chinese.
From where I sit CRT looks like the left is teaching racism,

From where I sit the CRT boogeyman appears largely to be yet another GOP astroturf invention designed to distract Republican and lean-Republican voters from issues that actually matter. Funding for this nonsense has come from the usual places (Koch, Leonard Leo, Heritage Foundation, etc.), and the "concerned parents" interviewed by news outlets have frequently been outed as seasoned GOP operatives. Even that supposed liberal bastion the NYT has carelessly (or perhaps not so carelessly) fallen for that one on multiple occasions.

The Aristocrats Funding the Critical Race Theory ‘Backlash’
thanks for refraining from moving posts to veer thread
It seems like I am always apologizing but covid/vaccine news seems moderately important and shouldn't be corrupted by political blather, even from me.

I appreciate the futility of trying to herd cats on the internet. There is a lot of anger out there. I hope this slightly improves the s/n in that more important thread.

It is a beautiful November day here in Hickory... enjoy
