Vinnie colaiuta interview

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YouTube came up at the point where Vinnie talks about the problem with income from streaming is killing the business model for working in music.

It’s a multilayer problem isn’t it? Music streaming changes all the rules. Being an old dog and retired pulls me out of the loop for how to create a new platform direction. Puncho, You work in a part of the country that has the artist’s and labels to need the studio and such for what nowadays amounts to creating a business card in the form of a new song rather than a product. Long after my career moved from recording music to post production, I continued to write and record music for friends and myself. It was more personal than professional. It’s hard for me to imagine the hurtles to make a living today doing music only. What are your thoughts ?

I need to watch this from the beginning.
The world is tough all over. It’s harder then ever to fight for the scraps at the table. The old adage of touring to support the record has become doing the record to support the tour. Streaming revenues are awful,we know this but at the same time there is more potential to be heard so in theory there is more chance to make money. Walter sear wrote it so eloquently in his 6 part series “what have they done to my art” , they didn’t do it, we did. We got us here and turned music into background fodder and cheap shots. Hard to recover when the majority of artists don’t have the heart and desire to be great but want to be famous and rich.
When I brought up this video it started at 28mins. With file sharing. I suggest you watch it from the top. For me it’s the good old days thinking about going to see RTF with my college mates. And watching the world of music explode. Vinnie’s take is one of being at the height of musicianship and experiencing growth of a hockey stick chart. I’m kind of sorry I posted from what is the ugly part of the video rather than the passion part. But in the end it’s your intention as a young musician, engineer, producer, singer or songwriter that gets to the professional level where you make a living at your chosen direction. Great interview.