VMP2 mods

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OK...I'll say it.
I have been watching used prices on VMP2's for many years, and they have always stayed the same.
Because people really like this unit, and think it is a valuable piece of gear to have in a studio.
If I came across one that had been modified in so many ways, I would not buy it, no matter how good I think it may sound.
I would have to consider heat stress to the circuit board, the possibility of errors, and the fact that it may no longer sound like a VMP2.
One thing I have learned from this forum is to leave well enough alone.
tchgtr said:
OK...I'll say it.
I have been watching used prices on VMP2's for many years, and they have always stayed the same.
Because people really like this unit, and think it is a valuable piece of gear to have in a studio.
If I came across one that had been modified in so many ways, I would not buy it, no matter how good I think it may sound.
I would have to consider heat stress to the circuit board, the possibility of errors, and the fact that it may no longer sound like a VMP2.
One thing I have learned from this forum is to leave well enough alone.

I think it sounds really good as well. I think they're probably undervalued  because of the name on the faceplate. So far, I've only  upgraded caps, tubes and put in better output transformers because the ones that came with the unit are unusable, imo. The comments warned me off changing anything in the circuit as far as removing cap and resistor values. So I feel I have the classic VMP2 sound with arguably some better components.

I will probably pick up another unit or two because at some point these will probably go up, I assume.
I have it, fully recapped. Some of the original Illinois caps lost up to 90% of capacitance, gladly Vishay and Nichicon still have the axial caps in production.

The Sovtek 5751 sounds really nice in this design.
Hey Luckeybastard .. I just grabbed 4 Peavey VMP-2. One was modded by Jim Williams.. I LOVE this unit .. How did you do with your mods? Thanks
I don't even want to know what mods Jim made. Probably throwing more expensive parts at it. 🤔 Some people with too much money replaced the input transformer with a Jensen. IMO the stock transformer was good.

I was involved peripherally with the feature set of this SKU, since it was an AMR product. My favorite suggestion was to make the gain knob go up to 11, and limit the tone controls to only +/- 6dB (I have posted about these feature choices here before). 👍

By now some of the electrolytic capacitors may be getting tired. As with anything quantify the path performance. Tired electrolytic caps will generally reveal themselves with diminished LF frequency response.


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