We need a Wiki here

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sirko said:
But we forget one exception: "Some project are in the grey-land regarding if it's piracy."
I don't know how true that is -just me trying to find a possible answer.
That way is not an experiment, but prooved on one of the most successful websites ever.
Yes, that's right. But I could also give you many examples of unsuccessful wikis.
There need to be several people who choose to make it happen, among them some experienced/ long-time users. And it needs to be supported by a majority of the users.
I believe a GroupDIY wiki, limited to:
- White-listed stuff: Projects that are explicit given to the community
- General topics

would be ideal
We need an ALL CALL to those who started but don't maintain threads , especially when project related
and Ethan didn't care for my idea but other grps [ freestompbox ] have a thanks button so people can
show appreciation without adding another post to clog up the thread , certainly there's a few who just want
to get  " their  " say and then you have to weed through more opinions ...................
it's not bad , though any tweak can make it better !
It's not that I didn't care for your idea okgb. Previously, I didn't understand what you were trying to suggest, but I think I do now.  You're suggesting kind of a "like" button on each post where users can just click the button to say "Like/Thanks/etc." rather than make an additional post.  That's a pretty good idea, me thinks...give me some time.
Some forum engines (like IPB, phpbb) has community features like user's personal pages. Perhaps something like personal pages will suit the task?
Wiki style is quite unusual, it's more familiar to programmers. Good idea but it's hard to belive in community editing wiki pages... understanding CVS principles.
IMO personal pages gives more capabilities: all projects in one place, no need to register personal domain, install CMS, each author collects info, publish, gives links (collects meta). No more dead links, dead sites... Anyway we need an author to lead a project.
I don't mean soсial networks, but idea is the same.
I believe that Like/Thanks button will be very handy when browsing through large threads like GSSL or 1176s. It's impossible to go through 170 pages (1176 repost thread for instance) and stay concentrated.
If we had this Like/Thanks button, and some posts have Likes and some not, than you could go and read only those posts that other users liked/thanked. You could go and vertically scan through pages and selectively read.
That would help!
I love the idea of a wiki.  groupdiy.com/wiki.  All of my day to day company functions, things to know etc, are outlined on a wiki.  It's ever changing and it's always there for employees to reference.  If its something someone needs to know,  it's on the wiki.  Great way to organize stuff and I think it would translate well to specific knowledge bases on this forum.
A like button would indeed be very helpful.
If one could search a thread, and sort it by likes, that would be a tremendous help.
sirko said:
The difference in any Wiki solution is the power of the crowd and I don't mean that in any negative way.

It's a perfectly fine ideal. But you'd still have to motivate a bunch of people with very different reasons for being here. I've a feeling those who can produce quality wikis and have in depth knowledge on a given subject have better things to do.

There is a big difference between a simple forum discussion that evolves over time compared to a single ended wiki page where all discussion is relegated to a "hidden" change log. Opinions and styles here vary too much and that information is much better conveyed through a forum platform.

The "power of the crowd" is here already.
Make a wiki to make it easier to clone and start a company using other peoples help and experience and IP.
It could be for the I don't want to read the threads people.

Ethan thanks for all the work the forum was fun for some time.  Forums change over time now this place seems to be more about cloning and selling things.

I think about instagram and facebook etc when ever I post now who knows what will happen with what is posted at forums in the future will someone/corporation claim it as theirs?
We have all seen independent wikis fail because it takes a great deal of effort to generate and maintain content that is worth a sh__

I can imagine alternate organizations of the content here so old questions don't get asked over and over, but perhaps this doesn't have to be an either/or. Perhaps people can personalize how they interact with the content here.

I am just free associating here, so my apologies to Ethan,,,  if this was trivial or already done, it would be trivial and already done.

sr1200 said:
I had an idea for the forum shortly after joining in regards to projects (and their owners).

Again, very similar to the META pages, just in a consistent format, hopefully reducing duplicate questions.

While it sounds like a nice idea that is exactly the goal of my own web pages which I maintain separate from the forum. A link to each of my related pages gets sent with every order acknowledgement along with links to each project thread on the forum.

Yet it doesn't seem to prevent many people from asking the same questions over and over (that are already answered on my pages) or prevent them from starting their own threads for their particular problem. Ironically some people start their question by commenting on the length of the project thread, apparently overlooking the fact that their post has just added to its overall length.

Most people just want to get their own questions answered as quickly as possible - screw learning anything. Those pages that have the "Best Answer" might be a good way of organizing things but someone would still have to do a search rather than hit the "New Topic" or "Reply" button. A forum that does a search first rather than immediately creating a new post might be one solution. If there are no results the poster could then choose to create a new post or topic.

I try to convince myself sometimes that for every person who asks a question that has already been answered there is a guy (or gal) out there who just takes their time, reads, learns and has success with their project. We seldom hear from them because they don't have issues with their projects.
gunpoint recording said:
.... but then again this is a communication forum and not a data encyclopedia.

Yes indeed! People like to talk and there is nothing wrong with this. I see old questions being asked and answered by new people. And it's all good.

For those who would like a meta, just go ahead and start one. There are free wiki websites that enable this. I'm not sure who would have time to contribute though.
zebra50 said:
gunpoint recording said:
.... but then again this is a communication forum and not a data encyclopedia.

Yes indeed! People like to talk and there is nothing wrong with this. I see old questions being asked and answered by new people. And it's all good.

Not always, because sometimes new people give the wrong answer to old questions. It seems fairly common now for someone who has their own non-working project to opine about what's wrong with someone else's non-working project. Nothing so good about that IMO, though clearly many seem to simply enjoy the banter.

I've been surprised at the number of times I've had a question, done a search here and found a huge wealth of knowledge often provided by long gone and sorely missed contributors. But it seems as though I may be in a minority that does use this place as a "data encyclopedia".

In my experience, just because an answer is new doesn't always mean it's better or more accurate.
mnats said:
A forum that does a search first rather than immediately creating a new post might be one solution. If there are no results the poster could then choose to create a new post or topic.
Yes, gearslutz has this solution and it's quite handy.
gunpoint recording said:
I have a robust server.  here ya go:  xohol.com/gdiywiki/

feel free to play.
Thanks for a very nice offer!
I'd love to contribute with what I can,
but in my experience it's wasted time before we, with a sort of consensus, decides to use that wiki.
This is about number of users and their weight/knowledge/authority/cred.