Hello to the Community!
I have a Wharfedale Pro Kinetic 18BA active subwoofer in repair. It was totally burnt (PSU and the D-class amp), but I've ressurected it) Now it works in general, but doesn't produce an expected power of 300W RMS @ 8Ohm, and if you be so kind to help me, I will appreciate it greatly.
PSU produces +-75..80V (depends on AC voltage in my wall socket), I load the amp with a huge 10 Ohm resistor, use my oscilloscope and see a very ugly distortion when the output signal voltage is > 55V (sinus peak). It's NOT a D-class native clipping, cause the feeding voltage is much higher (about 80V). I've examined the preamp and discovered that the maximum sinus (in peak) it can produce is 4V (8V peak to peak). When I try to turn the gain pot to get more, the "limit" LED lights and the sinus is malformed. When passed to D-class amp this malformed signal causes the heavy distortion at sinus peaks and VERY strong output snabber heating (up to smoke
Then I examined the D-class amp PCB to find out the nominals in the irs2092s feedback circuit - in order to calculate (theoretically) the total D-class amp gain. The fb circuit schematic in attach, and I guarantee it's right.

I've got the gain coef = (22k+39k)/(1k+3.3k) = 14.2.
So, if I have 4V (in peak) on the amp's input, I will get 4*14,2 = 56,7V! Very close to my observations.
It's ok, but in this case the maximum power I can get from the sub is 56.7*56.7/(2*8) = 200W RMS only, much less than 300W from the specs...
The complete D-class amp schematic is also attached (2092.pdf, diagram at the bottom of the page). It's 99% close to my PCB, except the power voltage (I have 80V) and some nominals, but in general it's ok.
I supposed the problem is in the unbalanced jacks I use to send signal to the preamp, but when I attach a balanced XLR to it I get just the same limitation - 4V peak (2.85V RMS) on preamp output before clipping. Supposed the sub needs both R and L inputs for efficient work - no, no effect, just the same limit.
From the one hand, +-4V 2.85V RMS looks adequate, it's about +6dB... and my mixer has just the same output level before clipping.
But from the other hand, where is the 300W RMS subwoofer output power, declared in 18BA specs?)))) and what's the point using +-80V PSU if we never get more than +-57V on the load?)
So I'm standing on a fork)
The first way is to increase D-class gain ratio to 18-20 (changing 22k resistor to 39k, for example).
The second - to increase preamp output level. Not so easy, because I have no docs for it, PCB only)
The third - place the sub into production as is)) but I'm afraid the studio guys will think it's too quiet, put the gain to the maximum (no paying attention to the red clipping LED) and burn it out again very soon...
I've asked for Wharfedale Pro support but didn't get any intelligible response yet))
Will appreciate any help
Looking forward for your answer
Sorry for my English)
I have a Wharfedale Pro Kinetic 18BA active subwoofer in repair. It was totally burnt (PSU and the D-class amp), but I've ressurected it) Now it works in general, but doesn't produce an expected power of 300W RMS @ 8Ohm, and if you be so kind to help me, I will appreciate it greatly.
PSU produces +-75..80V (depends on AC voltage in my wall socket), I load the amp with a huge 10 Ohm resistor, use my oscilloscope and see a very ugly distortion when the output signal voltage is > 55V (sinus peak). It's NOT a D-class native clipping, cause the feeding voltage is much higher (about 80V). I've examined the preamp and discovered that the maximum sinus (in peak) it can produce is 4V (8V peak to peak). When I try to turn the gain pot to get more, the "limit" LED lights and the sinus is malformed. When passed to D-class amp this malformed signal causes the heavy distortion at sinus peaks and VERY strong output snabber heating (up to smoke
Then I examined the D-class amp PCB to find out the nominals in the irs2092s feedback circuit - in order to calculate (theoretically) the total D-class amp gain. The fb circuit schematic in attach, and I guarantee it's right.

I've got the gain coef = (22k+39k)/(1k+3.3k) = 14.2.
So, if I have 4V (in peak) on the amp's input, I will get 4*14,2 = 56,7V! Very close to my observations.
It's ok, but in this case the maximum power I can get from the sub is 56.7*56.7/(2*8) = 200W RMS only, much less than 300W from the specs...
The complete D-class amp schematic is also attached (2092.pdf, diagram at the bottom of the page). It's 99% close to my PCB, except the power voltage (I have 80V) and some nominals, but in general it's ok.
I supposed the problem is in the unbalanced jacks I use to send signal to the preamp, but when I attach a balanced XLR to it I get just the same limitation - 4V peak (2.85V RMS) on preamp output before clipping. Supposed the sub needs both R and L inputs for efficient work - no, no effect, just the same limit.
From the one hand, +-4V 2.85V RMS looks adequate, it's about +6dB... and my mixer has just the same output level before clipping.
But from the other hand, where is the 300W RMS subwoofer output power, declared in 18BA specs?)))) and what's the point using +-80V PSU if we never get more than +-57V on the load?)
So I'm standing on a fork)
The first way is to increase D-class gain ratio to 18-20 (changing 22k resistor to 39k, for example).
The second - to increase preamp output level. Not so easy, because I have no docs for it, PCB only)
The third - place the sub into production as is)) but I'm afraid the studio guys will think it's too quiet, put the gain to the maximum (no paying attention to the red clipping LED) and burn it out again very soon...
I've asked for Wharfedale Pro support but didn't get any intelligible response yet))
Will appreciate any help
Looking forward for your answer
Sorry for my English)
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