Y'know, for driving weird lines 
I've been trying to figure out a way to do a sub-115dB line driver that doesn't load the preceding stage, doesn't load the inverter, and doesn't require adding gain at the non-inverting output to roughly match the bandwidth / phase rolloff of the inverting output. The circuit below meets those requirements. But I have no idea if it would work IRL.
There is precedent in the literature for returning negative feedback to the non-inverting input, but I haven't seen it done in a unity gain situation like this. And I haven't seen anyone use an inverting OPA1611/211 (40/45MHz) without at least 5.6pF in the feedback loop, but that is not possible here because the thing needs to be at least 5x the speed of the OPA1622 (8MHz) in order to avoid peaking. Even 604R/5.6pF is not an option. So stability is a question.
This circuit (if it works IRL) would be great with an OPA1692 (5.1MHz) and an LM4562 (55MHz) with good decoupling and just the teeniest-tinyest feedback capacitor at the inverter. That's the eye-opening cheap option, since OPA1692s should perform well in this position, but only if they are buffers! Obviously if you wanna make this already-kinda-spendy driver even more so, you could parallel another buffer + inverter, and maybe start coming close to the noise floor of the non-inverting OPA1622 half.
What do people think? Suggestions for improvement? Potential pitfalls?
1. Schematic
2. Curves without cable sim, before LR only
3. Curves with cable sim, before and after LR

PS - I suppose that's a not-quite-28dBu maximum output, as even the OPA1612 won't put out 22dBu as a voltage follower. 21.5dBu maybe. OPA828 buffer + OPA211 inverter could work. Also, re: the LR isolator peaking...I chose 20R/4u7 over the conventional 39R/4u7 because it's less wild with a 10nF/10nF/10nF load. Maybe a +5dB peak as opposed to +8dB or something. Best thing would be 10R/10uH but that's really only gonna work for the OPA1622 (which arguably might not even need the 5.1Ω buildouts); any other amp one might realistically use needs at least 25Ω Riso.
I've been trying to figure out a way to do a sub-115dB line driver that doesn't load the preceding stage, doesn't load the inverter, and doesn't require adding gain at the non-inverting output to roughly match the bandwidth / phase rolloff of the inverting output. The circuit below meets those requirements. But I have no idea if it would work IRL.
There is precedent in the literature for returning negative feedback to the non-inverting input, but I haven't seen it done in a unity gain situation like this. And I haven't seen anyone use an inverting OPA1611/211 (40/45MHz) without at least 5.6pF in the feedback loop, but that is not possible here because the thing needs to be at least 5x the speed of the OPA1622 (8MHz) in order to avoid peaking. Even 604R/5.6pF is not an option. So stability is a question.
This circuit (if it works IRL) would be great with an OPA1692 (5.1MHz) and an LM4562 (55MHz) with good decoupling and just the teeniest-tinyest feedback capacitor at the inverter. That's the eye-opening cheap option, since OPA1692s should perform well in this position, but only if they are buffers! Obviously if you wanna make this already-kinda-spendy driver even more so, you could parallel another buffer + inverter, and maybe start coming close to the noise floor of the non-inverting OPA1622 half.
What do people think? Suggestions for improvement? Potential pitfalls?
1. Schematic
2. Curves without cable sim, before LR only
3. Curves with cable sim, before and after LR

PS - I suppose that's a not-quite-28dBu maximum output, as even the OPA1612 won't put out 22dBu as a voltage follower. 21.5dBu maybe. OPA828 buffer + OPA211 inverter could work. Also, re: the LR isolator peaking...I chose 20R/4u7 over the conventional 39R/4u7 because it's less wild with a 10nF/10nF/10nF load. Maybe a +5dB peak as opposed to +8dB or something. Best thing would be 10R/10uH but that's really only gonna work for the OPA1622 (which arguably might not even need the 5.1Ω buildouts); any other amp one might realistically use needs at least 25Ω Riso.
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