who wants to be a truck driver when they grow up.

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I heard it mentioned on TV business news. This morning my Bing search engine found nada. I had to change to search for it with google (I hate google) and found that one obscure link. They credit Reuters in that article I linked to.

This could be a stock market short seller trying to manufacture a payday.
Indeed I see coincidence and perhaps coordination in "news" (cough) events. I perceive an unusual amount of coincidence/cooperation surrounding the facebook whistle blower... From an investigative article in WSJ, then high profile 60 minutes splash, followed almost immediately by congressional hearings. I wouldn't be surprised to learn about her book deal, or run for congress, next.


PS: Not sure I trust my search engines as far as I can throw them.
Search engines are fairly dumb database apps.

It's the people targeting them by feeding the false info (SEO poisoning) that are interesting. A large group are legitimate businesses from the advertising sector. Some seem to have no obvious commercial purpose. From pure propaganda to stock market manipulation. Others are just lowlife making a couple of cents a click.

Once you know where to look, it's pretty obvious. Like the few names that seem to pop up only on fake news in my Google News. I don't think Google is pushing those. I don't know who is, but whoever it is, they're pretty well funded and pretty persistent. Even the lowlife, who feed on hard to find service manuals that lead to whatever if you follow their links.

Now I know Google was funded with CIA money, but that doesn't mean they are a CIA tool. A lot of US companies will oblige the CIA, just like Israelis can't say "no" to the Mossad.

I use a browser that cuts out all advertising. Except for the advertising disguised as links in search engines. And it's annoying that when you search for gear, the manufacturer's site is the needle in the haystack of resellers. But that's unavoidable. We need to sell. Look at how the GearSlutz team is running their show. They know their weight. It's another thing with propaganda. If you can afford to run a number of server farms, you can "sell" anything to Google.

I don't know about the FB whistleblower. I avoid most things about FB. Google was interesting to study. FB is... too disturbing. They're crooks. I hope they get caught. And by that I don't mean regulated, but thrown in jail for years. The complete lack of morals is blatant.
He's paid by the Times of London, I believe. Some suggest sponsors in financial circles...
Truck driver shortages affect unloading at container ports (west coast and east coast). This could affect Christmas store supplies.

Not just truck drivers, shortages of school bus drivers. In UK there is/was a shortage of petrol truck drivers to keep gas stations supplied.

I suspect during Covid many older drivers just retired with no young replacements, but there are likely multiple reasons.

To go back to the original question, apparently not many folks these days. I just read that in Georgia the average age of a commercial license holder is 52. Republican governors are lobbying to get the minimum age for interstate trucking dropped to 18 from 21, but if 23 year olds aren't eager to join the profession, do they really think there's a ton of 19 year olds ready to sign up?
I still don't think driving a truck is a good long term career choice, but the premiums being offered these days could make it an attractive entry level job for an 18 yo yout.

Relaxing regulations to expand the driver pool should be worth a try.

Good news/bad news?

Wages are rising fast, sadly inflation is rising even faster so the benefit to workers will be etherial. To make matters worse the rising wages will cause employers to raise their prices, making inflation rise even faster. This is sometimes called an inflationary spiral. When consumers learn to expect increasing prices they will buy even more now, but that hasn't really been a problem so far.

I think we could see a recession next year from the central bankers raising interest rates to try to combat inflation.

Hold on it could be a bumpy ride.

A self described "freedom convoy" of Canadian truck drivers (reportedly 40 miles long) is converging on Ottawa (capital of Canada) to protest government covid mandates. They appear to have public support.


I've been seeing photos of this convoy on Facebook. And I've seen that after Ontario, they are headed to the US. Seems that the list of truckers is getting longer and longer as more people join in.
I wouldn't bet big money on them being allowed in... without vaccine passports...

I hope they are successful impressing Ottawa leadership with the people's voice.

Canadian PM Trudeau and family has left his home in Ottawa, for a secret undisclosed location, so I suspect he is not planning to meet with the truckers.

This (covid thing) was predicted to end Feb 1, so I guess we'll see soon enough.

I hope they are successful impressing Ottawa leadership with the people's voice.

Look at Canada's vaccine numbers and tell me how this is the "people's voice." 32 to 33 million folks, in a country of 38 million, have had at least one shot. This is just a rowdy minority. I'm sure they have some support among vaxxed folks who are tired of lockdowns, but this is about international truckers who are ticked off that they have to get vaxxed. Crybabies.
Look at Canada's vaccine numbers and tell me how this is the "people's voice." 32 to 33 million folks, in a country of 38 million, have had at least one shot. This is just a rowdy minority. I'm sure they have some support among vaxxed folks who are tired of lockdowns, but this is about international truckers who are ticked off that they have to get vaxxed. Crybabies.
Knowing all that we currently know about the vaccine, how it is not nearly as effective as they claim, how they are pushing boosters to protect against strains that were not around when coming up with the booster. What is wrong with letting people choose what they feel is best for them. I got vaxed due to work. I have not been right since. I have noticed little things like running out of breath just talking. It’s not an every time thing either. But I have noticed enough changes to be concerned. With all that we know it should be a choice not a do it or else.
saw an article the other day that informed me that any changes to commercial drivers license will require enrolling in a 3rd party program (driving school/junior college driving course etc.).this also applies to initial acquisition of the license. this may be an improvement over the old way of taking written and on-road test at dept of motor vehicle facility, but there is a cost now. 'tis a privilege not right i guess...may insurance rates will go down for everbody else😜