The Vaccine

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It doesn't really make any difference what my credentials are to those who disagree with me - you don't believe me and that's OK. Despite my credentials, there is a lot I don't know about medicine in general, virology, immunology and epidemiology, but I would guess that I am a lot more qualified than the "internet doctors" posting here to evaluate medical data.

But I'll go ahead and bite on your troll bait: I have 4 years of medical school, 3 years of residency, 30+ years of clinical experience, and a license to kill.

Thank you for that. It's not bait.

"and a license to kill."

I appreciate your sense of humor and the pun WRT the Canadian with the confederate flag was duly noted.

Extra points for the clinical experience.

"crazy" in your nom de plume kinda works against your credibility but now I know you actually practiced I'll overlook that.

So let me ask you straight up so I understand your current position, which understandably may have evolved over time: Do you believe that there is early therapeutic treatment for Covid-19? Or, do subscribe to the guidance that it is incurable with early treatment? If I came to your office for treatment, hypothetically, would you tell me to go home and visit the ER when my lips turn blue or would you start early intervention?
There's no way to know if an individual is at risk for dying from covid. and it's not just dying, it's the disease and its potential long term sequelae, even in younger people and kids.

Trying to avoid the possible serious effects of covid is relatively simple - get the shot, among other things. It's not completely effective, particularly against omicron, but it's certainly much better than doing nothing. Avoiding heart disease is much more difficult - there are uncontrollable genetic factors, and comorbidities like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity are much harder to effect as they involve lifestyle changes that most people don't seem to be willing to institute.

My waist is 38", height 75", weight 200#, and BMI 25. How about you?
"There's no way to know if an individual is at risk for dying from covid"

You could try looking at the data of those who are dying? This conclusion is fiat science ignoring all data of everyone that didn't die in 2020.
Just because you won't come to accurate conclusions doesn't mean we're going to fall victim to fear campaign. We know who is dying.

"get the shot" fiat medicine

68" 32" waist ~160# can bench my bodyweight for reps, can do up to 20 pullups consecutively and i can run a 10k with under 10m/mi avg even while unvaccinated. my BMI skews higher @ 25.1 (haven't checked it since ~2014) as the formula isn't fair to muscle density someone with the same stats and higher bf% would have the same BMI and not be as "healthy" (subjectively)
I find it a little strange that this is your takeaway from what was posted. We have two individuals with the same vaccination status and exposure levels and two different results. This is not an asymptomatic case, as an asymptomatic person will still replicate the virus and that will eventually show up in a test. That hasn't happened here. If a person keeps testing negative do you still conclude they had the virus? That doesn't make sense.

The most logical explanation is that in this particular case the vaccine actually worked, the virus was never able to replicate to detectable levels for 1 of 2 people. Is that not an interesting result?

Another possibility (and quite likely given that we're two years into this thing) is that the person who didn't get it had already been exposed "naturally" and had robust immunity. How many asymptomatic cases have there been in two years? Last I saw there were some 46M officially "recovered from Covid" outcomes in the USA (of 76M total official cases with 800k deaths--nice math). Due to lack of testing early on and the official stance of ignoring natural immunity (e.g., not testing for existence of antibodies) it stands to reason that many more people have been exposed than these numbers would indicate. In 2020 there were a couple of studies that looked at this and found many more exposures than tests indicated (NY and CA were the places studied).
BMI 22.4 BMI Prime 0.89.

I went for a group ad hominem in the sig line. This is an example of a personal one:

hodad "It's interesting that in your self-confessed ignorance you know which "experts" to believe. It's also interesting that you pick the tiniest minority who say the craziest (and generally unsupported) stuff. I guess that's what (self-confessed) ignorance will do for you if you let it."

I can easily tell who is lying to me and who isn't.

As to "unsupported" you simply don't know what you're talking about:

Here's one post of the end note references cited by an anonymous medical professional known as "Spartacus." I've posted links to hundreds of papers and host about 50 pdfs of published or -prepublished papers and a number of videos. I don't link to much of it here because its like giving medicine to a dead man and will just be ignored.

Spartacus Reference Library Spartacus' Covid-19 Reference Library - Pro Audio Design Forum

Spartacus' letter: The Corona Virus Hoax of 2020 = 2021 "Vaccine" Shedding And Depopulation - Page 48 - Pro Audio Design Forum

Unsupported "not."

As to claims of it being depopulation that's my opinion which is shared by Yeadon, Zevlenko et al.

I would like to be wrong.
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You could try looking at the data of those who are dying? This conclusion is fiat science ignoring all data of everyone that didn't die in 2020.
Just because you won't come to accurate conclusions doesn't mean we're going to fall victim to fear campaign. We know who is dying.
If the only response is to reduce what is a complex situation down into ad absurdum binary outcomes, then yes, nothing about this pandemic makes sense. Do you only DIY with 1 ohm or 1G resistors?

The fact that the pro "audio design forum" batt-shittery has metastasized here is frankly terrifying. I'm of the mind to just let the people who want to run headlong into a volcano (just to upset the people telling them to stay away from the volcano) run into the volcano: unfortunately, they can drag quite a few people down with them.

Due to lack of testing early on and the official stance of ignoring natural immunity (e.g., not testing for existence of antibodies) it stands to reason that many more people have been exposed than these numbers would indicate. In 2020 there were a couple of studies that looked at this and found many more exposures than tests indicated (NY and CA were the places studied).

I think everyone acknowledges that the "official" recovered numbers are a floor not a ceiling. I think the issue is the different immunity half-lives between vaccinated individuals and sick-but-recovered individuals. I would have to go back and check, but off hand half life for natural immunity was roughly 90 days, and for vaccinated individuals was close to 170 days.
"crazy" in your nom de plume kinda works against your credibility but now I know you actually practiced I'll overlook that.
The crazy is because if the world is sane, then I am crazy.
So let me ask you straight up so I understand your current position, which understandably may have evolved over time: Do you believe that there is early therapeutic treatment for Covid-19? Or, do subscribe to the guidance that it is incurable with early treatment? If I came to your office for treatment, hypothetically, would you tell me to go home and visit the ER when my lips turn blue or would you start early intervention?
If you were asymptomatic and at low risk, I'd tell you to go home and await symptoms. If at risk, there is an EUA prophyllactic treatment available.

There are management and treatment protocols for covid patients with differing clinical presentations and courses here that are updated regularly - I would follow them:
There are various early treatment medications, that do not include ivermectin, chloroquine and azithromycin.
68" 32" waist ~160# can bench my bodyweight for reps, can do up to 20 pullups consecutively and i can run a 10k with under 10m/mi avg even while unvaccinated. my BMI skews higher @ 25.1 (haven't checked it since ~2014) as the formula isn't fair to muscle density someone with the same stats and higher bf% would have the same BMI and not be as "healthy" (subjectively)
When I was drafted I weighed 145# with a 30" waist. At the end of basic I could run a 7 minute mile with a 20# pack carrying a rifle (and I was a smoker), and weighed 175#. I quit smoking in Viet Nam and weighed 195# when got out, with a 32" waist. But all that was over 50 years ago - I got old (which beats the alternative.)
When I was drafted I weighed 200+ (not my heaviest weight which was 235# a couple years earlier). After 6 weeks of basic training I was a pretty solid 185#. Basic does that, bulks up the skinny ones, and turns excess adipose to lean muscle mass for the fatties.

Being able to remember and talk about being drafted 50+ years ago, is better than not. :cool:

Outraged by blatant disinformation about female anatomy contained in Cardi B’s hit song “WAP”, two leading medical organizations recently published an open letter to Spotify calling for the pop star’s removal.

The National Association of Gynecologists (NAG) and the Women’s Health Initiative of New England (WHINE) jointly penned the letter and published it on their respective websites yesterday.

Cardi B’s song “WAP”, which stands for something that we cannot possibly reprint, first came out in August 2020.

But representatives from NAG and WHINE say that it took more than 16 months of negotiations for the two organizations to finally settle on the most appropriate, gender-inclusive language to use in their letter.

The letter criticizes Cardi B because “the lyrics insinuate that only cisgender females can have wet a** p***ies, which is a major affront to everything we have reinvented about biology and medical science. Cardi B is a dangerous flat-earther whose song constitutes obvious disinformation. NAG and WHINE demand Spotify remove it immediately.”

Spotify responded quickly, and the company announced that it would set up a special committee to review all the content available on the platform, including songs, podcasts, and even commercials.

Any content found to contain disinformation, which the platform defines as “intentional deceit of a material nature”, will be taken down.

The committee has already announced that it has removed the entire music catalog of bankrupt rapper 50 cent with immediate effect, whose lyrics “contain obvious deceit about Mr. Cent’s wealth”.
Had to go back and check the record. The Vaccine

hodad wrote: "It's also interesting that you pick the tiniest minority who say the craziest (and generally unsupported) stuff."

Cut the dishonest bullshit. Watch the video I previously linked-to and appreciate the credentials of the panelists.

They include a who's who of academia and medicine. They are: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Mary Bowden, Dr. Harpal Mangat, Dr. Paul Merick, Dr. David Wiseman, several vaccine-injured witnesses and nurses.

Here is the link to the video of Senator Ron Johnson's hearing again:
With all the physical labor you do JR I find that surprising.
At my age it just feels like a lot of labor... ;)

Heres a picture of two trees I just finished cutting up and burning. I actually paid my tree guy to drop them. They were both well over 50' tall. He cheated and used his $60k Kubota tractor to steer them down neatly. The tractor was attached to his stump grinder that ground up over a dozen tree stumps I left behind over the last few years of making sawdust with my 16" Stihl. That 16" bar was definitely challenged by those two recent big-uns. The good news is that the trees were pretty straight and I could roll the heavy round logs over to the fire to burn.

One local guy asked if he could have some firewood and I said have at it. He carted off two pickup truck loads. But that still left over a week of me generating sawdust and CO2 in my yard. I iced my bum knee every night while soaking it in alcohol (beer) from the inside.

My bad wheel (cartilage damage in right knee) stopped me from jogging and playing basketball years ago but honestly at 70YO I was too old to play basketball against HS age pukes, I still miss the jogging and calories I burned running 15 miles a week. I am OK now with dying while overweight as long as I don't die from being overweight... I do full blood workups every year with my annual physical and so far I'm good go (keep drinking beer).

I have actually lost 6 pounds this year and prefer slow weight loss to fast, as fast weight loss isn't sustainable (did I mention I have decades of experience dieting?).



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They include a who's who of academia and medicine. They are: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Harvey Risch,
Indeed, a who's who!

Dr. Peter McCullough - the "COVID was planned all along guy"
Dr. Ryan Cole - the "vaccine causes cancer guy"
Dr. Harvey Risch - the "hydroxychloroquine is proven to cure COVID" guy
As his colleagues, we defend the right of Dr. Risch, a respected cancer epidemiologist, to voice his opinions. But he is not an expert in infectious disease epidemiology and he has not been swayed by the body of scientific evidence from rigorously conducted clinical trials, which refute the plausibility of his belief and arguments. Over the last few weeks, all of us have spent considerable time explaining the evidence behind HCQ research, as it applies to early and late stage COVID-19 patients to the scientific community and general public, and now are compelled to detail the evidence in this open letter.

Should I go on?
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