Antagonist in Chief

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Finally, someone willing to answer a simple question.

I don’t at all agree and I believe it confirms some political-blinders are on, but at least there’s a start of a conversation.

*Edit, this reply was to a post from fallout that now appears to be deleted, he has posted almost the same thing though in his next reply though.
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In pursuing the unprecedented search of Donald Trump's residence on Monday, the FBI was seeking to retrieve Top Secret and "compartmented" documents dealing with intelligence "sources and methods," two federal government sources tell Newsweek

My fam tonight was wondering aloud how in the world conservatives continue to justify what Trump did. I was like, "I argue with folks like that on the internet, and I still can't explain it to you."

I see whataboutism, accusations that it's all political, or a conspiracy, or it's somehow okay because it was Trump or because it was a Republican.

Intelligence "sources and methods." Does that mean Trump was planning to rat out US intelligence sources to foreign governments, or at the very least threaten to do so for his own gain--or as blackmail? This is seriously criminal shit.

I was pretty well convinced Garland would get the goods and then leave Trump alone--it wouldn't be my choice, but Garland doesn't seem to be one to make waves if he can avoid it. Now, I'm not so sure Garland can just let it pass. Whether Trump was going to pass state secrets to the Russians or just pull out classified documents to impress visiting porn stars doesn't really matter--it's a crime either way, and shows stunning disrespect for the office of the President and for the US government in general. And the potential for serious damage to US interests was there regardless.

As I've noted before, it's crystal clear that Trump knowingly violated the law here. What remains opaque to me is why so many on the right continue to defend him.
What remains opaque to me is why so many on the right continue to defend him.
From what I’ve heard, it’s about:
What about so and so and what about so and so, 2-tiered system, Trump is treated unfairly.

But really, it’s just about politics and sticking with the team under any and all circumstances. Plus, Trump has made it perfectly clear, he demands it!
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He asking why Biden is characterized as having "dementia" and "Alzheimer's", whereas Trump can ramble incoherently for hours, unable to even complete sentences or make a point, but is instead "a business man" and a "narcissist, but it's ok because they all are".
At least someone followed. I’m not crazy! I’m NOT crazy! Ha! To see one but not the other IS crazy! Or, they’re just playing politics or fell for it. I’d bet the later two, most of the time.
Like Trump or not, I have helped move documents into boxes for an office move many times. I doubt Trump knew exactly what was in those boxes and I doubt he packed them himself and I doubt he went through them to find out.

What is puzzling is that when there were inquiries made as to the possibility of classified documents being there, that there was denial and stonewalling instead of determining that there were those documents or not and the return of them if there were. Controversy would have been avoided.
Anyone not playing politics would believe exactly what you say and have exactly the same questions and comments. Instead, it’s every crazy defense of Trump and NOT that. Political games and the eating of them to the max!
He asking why Biden is characterized as having "dementia" and "Alzheimer's", whereas Trump can ramble incoherently for hours, unable to even complete sentences or make a point, but is instead "a business man" and a "narcissist, but it's ok because they all are".

Because giving good speeches isn't the only indicator of mental capacity or leadership capability (Obama proves that). But dementia and Alzheimer's cause non-reversible decline in all mental capability with notable physical side-effects like a stiff gait, lack of balance, etc. If you've ever had a family member or friend suffer from these things you recognize the clear and obvious signs and symptoms in Biden (and Pelosi).
Anyone not playing politics would believe exactly what you say and have exactly the same questions and comments. Instead, it’s every crazy defense of Trump and NOT that. Political games and the eating of them to the max!
I do have questions about what Trump may have kept. I'm also curious what other presidents have taken (either temporarily or permanently). Rather than spinning up a bunch of conspiracy theories, I'm waiting to hear what the FBI/DOJ claim to have found and how it would be construed as a crime.

I say "claim" because I no longer trust these agencies, especially after what has been disclosed re: the FISA warrant of 2016. I'll go further and say my trust in the Federal government in general has been greatly eroded over the past several years. The various lies and cover-ups regarding COVID, the lockdown, the vaccines, etc. are a big part of it, but so are many other instances going back to WMDs in Iraq during W's administration and things done by various three-letter agencies in the 90s.
I just read an editorial by Alan Dershowitz about whataboutism. He opined that the comparison to Hillary Clintons private server (emails) was appropriate despite her mocking hat. Equal application of justice requires comparing past events to current.


PS; DOJ returned ExPresident Trump's passports.

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That may or may not be so, but that still conveniently doesn’t address what I’m asking if anyone here on the right would like to address. Instead, redirecting seems to be the only thing going on. Do it well and you too may become a great politician! Ha!
I could never be a politician I'm too honest. I even get my ass kicked at small ball corporate politics.

No politician would ever get elected always telling voters the truth. :rolleyes:


PS: I just passed my annual dementia screening (y)
I never said he was "the same" as the other narcissists I listed. Despite his deep flaws he delivered on more of his campaign promises than any other POTUS during my adulthood. And under his administration the "magic wand" was working and there is no debating the results compared to feckless Obama and the current disaster. I'll take results any day.

I vividly remember the video stream showing all those mexican trucks filled with gold and jewels crossing the border, paying for the huge, beautiful, completed wall... :LOL:

As for results, the current administration had quite a few remarkable legislative accomplishments in recent months. And that's despite a razor thin majority and obvious corruption in their own ranks (like Kyrsten Sinema, who is basically on the payroll of the hedgefonds industry).

And I would advice the snowflakes on the right to have a look at their own language ("feckless", "disaster") who get defensive, angry and even start the victim routine (and then resort to personal attacks / ad hominems) whenever their chosen heros get criticized.

As for Fox News, they introduced the news-as-entertainment shtick with the bimbo presenters, "opinion shows" and extremist agitation on cable TV on a large scale. Very similar to the blasted tabloid industry in the UK. Much of which, no coincidence, is also owned by Murdoch. There are few individuals around who have done more overall damage to the world.
I do have questions about what Trump may have kept. I'm also curious what other presidents have taken (either temporarily or permanently). Rather than spinning up a bunch of conspiracy theories, I'm waiting to hear what the FBI/DOJ claim to have found and how it would be construed as a crime.

I say "claim" because I no longer trust these agencies, especially after what has been disclosed re: the FISA warrant of 2016. I'll go further and say my trust in the Federal government in general has been greatly eroded over the past several years. The various lies and cover-ups regarding COVID, the lockdown, the vaccines, etc. are a big part of it, but so are many other instances going back to WMDs in Iraq during W's administration and things done by various three-letter agencies in the 90s.
Being leery of your government is a very reasonable, healthy, and admirable thing. On the other hand, it can be a slippery-slop. If anyone starts believing half of the things spewed daily, they may just become part of the nightly breaking news stories. Be careful!

My question would be: Why not so leery of Trump and his administration? Because you think he’s not as dirty as everyone else since he wasn’t officially in politics while honobbing with politicians, Hollywood, the highfalutin, and the criminal underworld his entire life? Because he made the economy for you so great? Because he set policies you wanted?

The reasons why I don’t is because absolutely every damn thing out his mouth is fing bizzare and nearly every fing thing that’s actually comprehendable is almost always about how he’s the best of the best superheros there ever was and will ever be.

Let’s go find the weirdest dude we can who’s endless lies are obvious! But hey, at least it’s not Hillary! And it worked! Dumb Americans! Wait. Maybe it was the liberals and Democrats that put him in office to get in evil Biden. Genius!
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Being leery of your government is a very reasonable, healthy, and admirable thing.
On the other hand, it can be a slippery-slop. If anyone starts believing half of the things spewed daily, they may just become part of the nightly breaking news stories. Be careful!
worse than a slippery-slop many are actively trying to stir up division, and create disorder.
My question would be: Why not so leery of Trump and his administration?
Don't trust anybody.. power corrupts. Our founders engineered in checks and balances, to reduce the concentration of power.
Because you think he’s not as dirty as everyone else since he wasn’t officially in politics while honobbing with politicians, Hollywood, the highfalutin, and the criminal underworld his entire life?
Specifically because he was a businessman (actually real estate developer) so he has a familiarity with profit and loss. Career politicians only have a passing awareness of where money comes from and fiscal discipline.
Because he made the economy for you so great?
my personal economy isn't that great but I live frugally in nowhere MS.
Because he set policies you wanted?
Ding ding ding... He shrunk regulation and the government, reduced taxes, supported law enforcement, supported fossil fuel industry while squashing the irrational campaign against fossil fuels, secured our southern border, didn't start any new wars and brought soldiers home from overseas without leaving a vacuum in their place.

His operation warp speed, cut through regulatory red tape and typical delays associated with bringing a new vaccine to market. He called out China to admit their responsibility. He warned the EU to not trust Putin as a reliable energy supplier, etc, etc. President Biden's policy appears to reversing everything that Trump did without any consideration for the consequences.

I do not miss exPresident Trump's tweets, I do miss his policies. I am a little surprised (not really) that the policy failures of the current administration are not acknowledged by main stream media (open border, energy prices, inflation, etc). Media did not even acknowledge that Hunter's laptop was real until months after the election. Whats worse, some 50 intelligence professionals suggested it was Russian disinfo, in a coordinated political campaign, before the last vote. :rolleyes:

That’s all dandy, but I don’t understand anyone associating excitement of policy with whether or not they believe that policy maker (who is a known nut job) is trustworthy or not; and at the same time, be so untrusting of our government.
Specifically because he was a businessman (actually real estate developer) so he has a familiarity with profit and loss. Career politicians only have a passing awareness of where money comes from and fiscal discipline.
And that’s what makes him special and why you trust him? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
And that’s what makes him special and why you trust him? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
and there are many who could say the same about you and who you support. Clearly the current person is not working out, clearly their policies are not helping. Rather then look at what was working, they decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Isn't Trump rich because his father was rich? He's by no means a self made millionaire / billionaire.

Despite his claims of entrepreneurial skill, I thought he was a fairly unsuccessful businessman but always had his father's wealth to bail him out?
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