Winston O'Boogie said:I must be out of the loop, I get -
Pankkake: to cover a woman in pancake batter
Winston O'Boogie said:I must be out of the loop, I get -
Pankkake: to cover a woman in pancake batter
Looks like T***p and Giuliani have fallen out, T***p doesn't want to pay Rudy's $20K per diem fee.
That is a surprise... Yawn.
hodad said:Your various slogans have a charming ring to them--regardless of any truth or applicability to this particular situation. What I'm saying is the sort of "healing" that would be likely to happen in the US (and has occurred in the past) does nothing to stop the offenders (and those who come after them) from doing still worse.
George W. Bush and Karl Rove look benign compared to Trump, but the fact that they did what they did (and were in no way punished) cleared the path for Trump.
Maybe there's a different approach to this "healing" that somehow causes or allows people to learn from their errors. That's not what we've seen here before, it's not what Republicans are seeking. What Republicans want is no punishment so they can continue doing bad things and do even worse than Trump next time they have a chance.
Nobody learns, nobody is chastened. The only "personal growth": Republicans grow to be better criminals and con artists.
My Pillow salesman Mike Lindell visited Donald Trump in the White House Friday with some thoughts about keeping him in office, declaring martial law and blaming "China/Iran" for something.