I checked the frequency response of my v76 build using RMAA. I ran my interface in and adjusted the send level with and without the pad at 58 dB gain.
Thanks for taking your time to do the graphs.
I've finalized the build and here are some quirks that I found (and solved):
1. HF roll-off. As stated earlier, Sowter 1004 is not suitable for 200R input impedances. The solution was to switch to Cinemag 9994A (CMMI-10x will also suffice).
2. LF roll-off. This was buggering me as I was getting approximately -3dB at 20Hz which is not ideal. The solution was to increase the interstage cap. In the original schematic (V76S, 1:30 input tx) the coupling cap between V2 and V3 tubes is 35nF. This value proved to be too low and cut the LF too early. In contrast, in the V76M circuit (measuring version, 1:10 input tx) this cap is 10 times larger (0.3uF). And this is the correct value for extended LF response.
3. Oscillation. For some reason the input stage oscillated at approximately 300 kHz. I was able to solve this problem by inserting the resistor in series with the anode choke. But this solution didn't work for the second unit. So I put a small (100p) cap across the feedback resistors and this killed the oscillation. I removed the additional resistor from the anode choke and there was no trace of oscillation either. It's still a mystery to me as to where the HF "bleeds" and forms a positive feedback loop. I suspect that this is probably a layout issue. Anyway, I didn't measure any signal degradation with this 100p compensation cap, so I'm leaving it in circuit for time being.
4. My "virtual inductor" option for HPF (gyrator) proved to be a great and affordable solution. It worked as expected.
Here's the real inductor measurements (for all 3 switch positions):

And this is the gyrator measurements:
Now, I have a plan for next steps.
First, I'm going to write up a full building guide and put it on the site. All schematics will be available as well.
Second, I'm going to look into a scaled down version of this circuit. Since chokes are rather expensive components, I'm going to try to substitute them with CCS. Will see how this works out - need to do quite a bit of reading about this since I have not that much experience with tube circuits ATM. I'm going to strip this version of most of the options - I'll leave the tube DI option, pad and phantom. I might leave the HPF and high shelf in place, but this depends on the price of these options. My goal is to make bare bones V76 and see how much that would cost in the end.
If you guys have any input on the issues that I had during the build, I'd gladly discuss them.