Yes, with such amplification, any internal distortions from air resonances against the grid, the body and the insides come out very audible, given that the vocalist sings with good support.Thank you, will try! I would not increase the 15nf, but instead I have lowered it to 10nf, to reduce noise.
For now, inspired by this thread and your insistence on the importance of the acoustic resonance of the grille shape and so, I tried something in that way. And the result is WOW! That thing really changes the sound, in this case it help a lot to bring mids up. For sure this is not the best shape but it already makes me smile listening the microphone. Will investigate more![]()
I haven't used the B1 in a pro recording but can't be happier listening the test of the last experiment. Definately worth it, but also is a delicate work dealing with capsule diaphragm and the holes.
Even just dampening the grille resonance makes an improvement, but in a different way, flatter, for voices I prefer the capsule mod with the dampening too.
How much will you get for it? Make a good sounding mic instead![]()
I am not familiar with theory behind, but i see nothing wrong with doing that in this case. It is in audio path, but feedback path, it is feeding back the audio out of phase that is shaping the audio in phase you are hearing. Hope it makes sense.I'm turning one of that B1 into a U87ish circuit and want to use the switch for different voicings. In order to place some deemphasis in the brightest setting, how bad would be adding more caps of same type in paralell in the deemphasis?
Already tried that few times and didn't hear any worse but have read many times to avoid caps in paralell in the audio path when possible (even some good mics have two caps in the output like the Sony C35/36p)
I tried that faulty capsule from a NTK in a NT1000 (NT1000 does not have an imput blocking voltage cap as the NT2a does) and at first it worked ok, but when applied some air pressure of close talking it took the bias off (up to twice the voltage difference), and with a bit harder air pressure it shut down completly the mic until phantom is disconnected. The stock NT1000 capsule did not had that issues.Yes, I tried other k67 capsule and the NTK went ok, today I briefly tried the NTK capsule in other mic and it almost did not work, sound came randomly when shaking the mic, like if there was bad connection somewhere, but it could be my fault also, will check the leads (I have checked for continuity between backplate and the frontring and there was none and the capacitance is around 100pf)
The capsule is in great looking condition btw
it took the bias off (up to twice the voltage difference)