Finally getting to work on this guy again,
I replaced the coto relay, which was too big to fit in the upper deck enclosure beneath the plexi, with a smaller littlefuse 24v relay. Only difference is COTO is 4.2k ohm coil and LittleFuse is 2k ohm. So to complete the voltage drop I used 8k for the drop to get 24v with the 2k coil resistance. I had been working this out with
@Murdock earlier in the thread. Curious if any of yall are using this relay scheme with an unregulated psu.

After experiencing a buzz in my own PSU (regulated HV and LV) I Built Dany's psu249, an unregulated PSU. I brought over the pattern switch and relay coil resistors... Used the above values to change for new relay...
Adding the switch and relay into the equation seems to add a 10k B+ to GND load.
like this (without capacitors and such) gives ~40-80v at B+ out over the throw of the 25k trim pot.
Realizing that using this schema is dropping the voltage incorrectly. Trying to wrap my head around how to do this properly.
So, the issue I am solving is not being able to tap the B+ line for the 24v relay with out dropping the over all voltage below useful levels. I was able to get to the right voltages (120v b+) by using the secondary in series. But if the relay circuit is removed the loaded voltage on the line goes up to close to 200v. This is not desired. Maybe this is the way but raising the wattage of the resistors on the line? I have decided that I don't want the chance that a broken wire on the relay circuit would blast the mic with almost double what it needs to see.
Another possibility is scrapping the whole relay and using one of those High Z mini switches to put it inside the mic for forced cardioid. Yet another possibility is to make a seperate psu rail just for the relay? My LV transformer gives me a 12v tap and a 24v tap. Maybe looking at that rail to supply the relay?
At this point, since the relay is N.O., I just have the relay switch circuit disconnected so that it just lives in forced cardioid and I do not have to use the secondary in series, but rather than the 120v parallel. So I will be able to use the mic for projects while I figure out the best way to implement the 24v relay schema.
I have a hunch that this load on the B+ line with the fully regulated supply was stressing the regulator out so much that it developed the hum or buzz. I don't yet have the knowledge to explain but thats my intuition.
Thanks so much y'all... Any advice from would be so appreciated.