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Hello all 
We had a very interesting discussion Here about what is available and how to chose software to use a sound card as the basis of an audio measuring system.
One thing that became obvious during the discussion is that for reason of practicality, some sort of hardware interface, or "front end", to the sound card. must be designed and built.
This is a very practical thing to have since usual good quality measuring instruments are costly and not necessarily toward audio measurements.
So I am going to build such a thing and will start by stating some initial points of view, that will probably prove to be erroneous during the trip!
The first point is about the sound card itself, which interestingly enough I find inadequate for our project in its original intended use.
The main inadequacies are the signal level it can handle and more importanter (sic!) the input and output impedance are not always right.
- We need isolation from the PC USB port, to prevent ground loop if any. (from KA
- We need controlled attenuation so we can measure large signals input.
- We need a way to set repeatable reference signals
- We need to be able to drive large signals at very low impedance to test transformers and speakers (from Abey Road d'Enfer)
- We need proper known impedance in and out for meaningful test results and calculation
- We need protection and even isolation between the sound card and the front end interface. (from KA
Considering the Sound Card (SC from now on) I have a few options.
My day to day SC is a RME babyface PRO of the generation before the current one.
The quality of the converters are truly good, the noise floor is very low. It is powered directly by the USB port or by an external power source
I also have a IK Multimedia AxE I/O, powered by a wallwart.
Since both of these SC are meant for the musician, they both have Hi-Z inputs (1MegOhm) to connect directly the instruments.
I checked the spec of these inputs and found them to be very good, with a very good noise floor and great input swing capability: RME BabyFace pro spec
The AxE I/O is pretty much the same give or take a few Ddb here and there.
My other option is to use either my Sound Devices MixPre 10 m2 or my old (2016) Zoom F8
Both are 8 ch recorders with a USB interface. They can be used as SC with very short latency and very good specs, but they have standard IN/OUT signal levels and impedance..
Since they are battery powered, I guess this could be a part of the solution as to how to isolate the SC from the DUT (Device Under Test)
We need also, maybe, to consider connecting a reference microphone for room EQ and analysis. If we are to be completely isolated from the PC USB port and SC, then we have to provide phantom power and some gain stage.
For the moment I have a UMIK1 (usb) by MiniDSP and a Dayton audio (phantom) EMM-6. I consider that a rather moot point, since technically, isolation of the SC to DUT when doing room test is not really needed and gain setting and referencing is done within the software.
Nan! chalk that one! No need!
Here are some references and link I find interesting for the development of that test set.
This may seem a bit expensive but then again, it is a very good mastering tool that I intend to buy soon and we don't always do lab measurements after all, so it is simply temporarily deviated from it's original purpose
And here a whole library of reference books from AP (Audio Precision)
We had a very interesting discussion Here about what is available and how to chose software to use a sound card as the basis of an audio measuring system.
One thing that became obvious during the discussion is that for reason of practicality, some sort of hardware interface, or "front end", to the sound card. must be designed and built.
This is a very practical thing to have since usual good quality measuring instruments are costly and not necessarily toward audio measurements.
So I am going to build such a thing and will start by stating some initial points of view, that will probably prove to be erroneous during the trip!
The first point is about the sound card itself, which interestingly enough I find inadequate for our project in its original intended use.
The main inadequacies are the signal level it can handle and more importanter (sic!) the input and output impedance are not always right.
- We need isolation from the PC USB port, to prevent ground loop if any. (from KA
- We need controlled attenuation so we can measure large signals input.
- We need a way to set repeatable reference signals
- We need to be able to drive large signals at very low impedance to test transformers and speakers (from Abey Road d'Enfer)
- We need proper known impedance in and out for meaningful test results and calculation
- We need protection and even isolation between the sound card and the front end interface. (from KA
Considering the Sound Card (SC from now on) I have a few options.
My day to day SC is a RME babyface PRO of the generation before the current one.
The quality of the converters are truly good, the noise floor is very low. It is powered directly by the USB port or by an external power source
I also have a IK Multimedia AxE I/O, powered by a wallwart.
Since both of these SC are meant for the musician, they both have Hi-Z inputs (1MegOhm) to connect directly the instruments.
I checked the spec of these inputs and found them to be very good, with a very good noise floor and great input swing capability: RME BabyFace pro spec
The AxE I/O is pretty much the same give or take a few Ddb here and there.
My other option is to use either my Sound Devices MixPre 10 m2 or my old (2016) Zoom F8
Both are 8 ch recorders with a USB interface. They can be used as SC with very short latency and very good specs, but they have standard IN/OUT signal levels and impedance..
Since they are battery powered, I guess this could be a part of the solution as to how to isolate the SC from the DUT (Device Under Test)
We need also, maybe, to consider connecting a reference microphone for room EQ and analysis. If we are to be completely isolated from the PC USB port and SC, then we have to provide phantom power and some gain stage.
For the moment I have a UMIK1 (usb) by MiniDSP and a Dayton audio (phantom) EMM-6. I consider that a rather moot point, since technically, isolation of the SC to DUT when doing room test is not really needed and gain setting and referencing is done within the software.
Nan! chalk that one! No need!
Here are some references and link I find interesting for the development of that test set.
This may seem a bit expensive but then again, it is a very good mastering tool that I intend to buy soon and we don't always do lab measurements after all, so it is simply temporarily deviated from it's original purpose
And here a whole library of reference books from AP (Audio Precision)