So do I!
My first "real job" (before I was 'only' a musician with a B Mus) was at Canadian Marconi in Montreal as a 'bench' technician.
My job was to test pretty much all PCBs from the assembly lines.
All mil spec, all very serious and all very fussy!
I was, by definition, the first one to put power on a new assembly for the first time and had to calibrate, confirm specifications and give it the nod for service.
Some days it was VERY interesting!
Magic smoke a'puffin', smell of dying semiconductors and loud sound effect galore made for a rather exciting job!

Some of the test engineers there where absolute genius.
Not only they had to design the stuff, in 'K' and 'U' band and nav-aid, and maritime radar, but they had also to design the test jigs and write the test procedures for 'the bench'.
I happen to have a certain talent for writing, and also I am very curious.
In those days, manuals were typed from manuscripts by a secretary in the office on Trenton av. while the plant was on Canora street (blvd?)
Working there I had 2 immense luck.
There was a huge library, the size of a city library, full of technical magazines, scientific books, Phd thesis, documents from Guillermo himself and many. many writings from the engineers that worked for him.
And there was an engineer, who was a real genius but despised writing technical notes.
I was a beginner, with no diploma as of yet, and still going to night courses in electronic (Institut Teccart, if someone here is interested)

In those times, a design engineer was able to 'borrow' a tech from the plant to help him put together new stuff, or revise test procedure, build test jigs etc... You see the line.
Ian, I've forgotten his full name, came to see the super, Mr. Bennett (who hired me during a snow storm the day I learned my wife was pregnant of our daughter!) and asked for an 'aide'.
I was affected to him and wen he found that not only I did not mind writing lab notes, but that I was quite good at it, he insisted that I was the only tech working for him when needed.
Oh can I go at length here!
So much memories....
And those who think such a post is really inappropriate or off topic, think of it as if we were a bunch of guys in a brasserie on a Friday night , having beer, shooting **** and pool, and of course discussing audio circuitry!
Back to the subject, I am working on quite a few issues at the same time so for the moment I don't have much to discuss, but the subject and it's thread are far from closed!
Some very good ideas were given here, and valid points were made.
I have to digest and absorb quite a bit.