Comparison of JFETs for mic applications

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Thanks for this Thor.

I make it 29v4. What does TINA say?

I just started to install the Ceiling light for my office. A huge, fairly heavy multiple ring, vaguely space styled (think mid century modern) thing.

I found the sheetrock quite rotten, so simple sheetrock anchors would not do, so I shot a bunch of construction adhesive into the ceiling. It will dry overnight.

I'll set all of the office tomorrow, after fixing the light.

From extremely hard stone cladding on bathroom walls that kept stripping my diamond drill bits and made me wish I had gotten a Bosch hydraulic Hammer drill instead of a Chinese "Bazooka" Hammer Drill, I had any annoying problem possible, renovating this place. So bear 🐨 🐼 with me.

I can answer you after the office and lab is back up. But I suspect TINA will be on a similar voltage.

To be honest, with P48 actually being 44...52V via 6k8 x 2 at 10% tolerance, the precise Voltage will be subject to quite a range, so excessive precision here is probably pointless.

Vth on BSS84 I encountered across various vendors have been pretty consistently 1.5...1.9V, with device to device matches on a reel very good. Noise is also usually on spec, meaning ~ 1.5nV|/Hz.

BSS84 is very preferred part to use for me, together with 2N7002 and STN1NK60Z for MOSFET's, which in turn I like to use a lot as active parts in discrete designs.

A "standard" circuit of mine is MMBFJ113 (J113 in SMD) or LSK170 + BSS84 and STN1NK60Z as output, matching the old 3-transistor designs with BJT's but with vastly improved performance by using modern devices.

Note, this is not for microphones or even transformerless microphone preamps, but line level.

I'm quite excited about our little SPICE comparison.

I've never used LTspice for noise before and it is showing and confirming stuff which Guru Wurcer and I played with at the beginning of this Millenium ... all in MicBuilders for those really interested and maybe his Linear Audio articles.

Let's tie down some important but non-controversial details.


You proposed 2 capsules. The first was a 34mm 'Brass' capsule of 68p capacitance and -34dBV/Pa sensitivity @ Vp = 60V

This is appropriate for the comparison between your circuit and Zephyr's. It is what Zephyr had on his capsule. I'll allow you to assume Vp = 60V though your circuit only has about 42V :)

The other was an electret 26mm, 42p and -35dBV/Pa. This is good to compare your circuit with SimpleP48 & SimpleP48RCA

Are you happy with these choices of capsules you recommended?


In #319, I assume a simplified version of Fig 9 in THAT Corporation 1510/1512 Datasheet rev9 5oct2017.

You assume a slightly different 'simplified' preamp in #245

Which one should we use?

I'm happy to use yours cos it sometimes gives SimpleP48 & SimpleP48RCA a slight advantage :)
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I apologise for, not so much moving goalposts, as having difficulty remembering his circuit from 2019. I'm going diving this weekend so his marked up print might emerge from under da diving junk.

The aim of the exercise is to sim what I measured in feb2019 to check my claim that your circuit has >10dB more noise above 4kHz

I'm sure of ..
  • C10 is grounded ... cos I refer to that in Zephyr.doc
But in Muntzing all the stuff to get #332, I forgot this changed the current draw which might adversely affect the yucky regulators ... which is why I asked if I could add a single resistor to replace the Muntz'd stuff.

If you are unhappy with that, please put all the stuff I removed back so the current consumption is as the original ... but GROUND C10 as that is how Zephyr had it for the Cardioid position (your single diaphragm requirement).

When you get TINA up & running and post a circuit we can check if this an accurate representation of what he built and I tested.

When I find Zephyr's marked up print, we can put his pot in the correct spot and assess whether it would have changed our sims.

You proposed 2 capsules. The first was a 34mm 'Brass' capsule of 68p capacitance and -34dBV/Pa sensitivity @ Vp = 60V

This is appropriate for the comparison between your circuit and Zephyr's. It is what Zephyr had on his capsule. I'll allow you to assume Vp = 60V though your circuit only has about 42V :)

The other was an electret 26mm, 42p and -35dBV/Pa. This is good to compare your circuit with SimpleP48 & SimpleP48RCA

Are you happy with these choices of capsules you recommended?

Let's keep it simple and a level playing field, using only the 26mm Model. That way all circuits work under identical conditions.


In #319, I assume a simplified version of Fig 9 in THAT Corporation 1510/1512 Datasheet rev9 5oct2017.

Why don't you ever post schematics?

I will use this. It's from the datasheet, quickly reduced to the essential.

In addition I will place a VCVS (voltage controlled voltage source) at the output, to allow each circuits gain to be normalised losslessly, while capturing all effects of the presumed preamp input.

This will make sure we get comparable results on a single plot.

If I can find the file, I will also add an A-weighting filter to each circuit.

A-weighting is done by this (nearly noisless) filter (for example). Dont try to build it in reality with discrete components :D
Best regards


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Vth on BSS84 I encountered across various vendors have been pretty consistently 1.5...1.9V, with device to device matches on a reel very good. Noise is also usually on spec, meaning ~ 1.5nV|/Hz.

BSS84 is very preferred part to use for me, together with 2N7002 and STN1NK60Z for MOSFET's, which in turn I like to use a lot as active parts in discrete designs.

A "standard" circuit of mine is MMBFJ113 (J113 in SMD) or LSK170 + BSS84 and STN1NK60Z as output, matching the old 3-transistor designs with BJT's but with vastly improved performance by using modern devices.

Note, this is not for microphones or even transformerless microphone preamps, but line level.


This is interesting, what advantages do you find using MOSFETs over BJTs? Improved linearity, or maybe more favorable harmonic profile? Would be interesting to try a MOSFET ring of three in something like a Neve BA283. Would you expect it to sound significantly different?
This is interesting, what advantages do you find using MOSFETs over BJTs?

MOSFETs have a close to infinite gate impedance, so for example my "MOS-SCHOEPS" uses 1M from gate to source (bootstrapped together with 73pF Cgs) and 4.7MOhm (in parallel with 5pF Cgd) between gate and drain.

So, the input impedance of my MOS buffer is 4.7MOhm // 5pf compared to (say) 135kOhm // 8.5pF for using 150k + 2N4403.

More critically perhaps, the input impedance is not signal/load dependent the way BJT's are. There is a reason that the latest TI audio Op-Amp's that have super low distortion, low noise.AND offer good subjective sound are all done on CMOS processes, with not a BJT in sight.

At 1mA collector/drain current output impedance's are similar.

As Class A follower MOSFET have a more tube like harmonic spectrum, for whatever that is worth.

Would be interesting to try a MOSFET ring of three in something like a Neve BA283.

As I'm more of a tube guy, I'd render it more as a 3-triode, 2 stage + follower Circuit.

My own take for that has a J113 (well, the SMT Version) as input, the BSS84 as direct coupled second stage, with STN1NK60Z as follower/active load for BSS84. CCS tail for STN1NK60Z. Loop feedback to J113 source.

Would you expect it to sound significantly different?

Yes, very.

The J113/BSS84/STN1NK60Z circuit sounds a lot like a classic 12AX7 2 stage Amp with 12AU7 follower and loop feedback, but with less obvious colorations. It is basically clean and uncoloured, with just a hint of "warmth" and colour.

Though by lowering loop gain and thus increasing HD we can get a more stereotypical "Tube" sound.

Simple BJT circuits by comparison are always slightly grainy and opaque sounding.

Of course, once we throw in transformers, they will contribute a lot of the sound.

Let's keep it simple and a level playing field, using only the 26mm Model. That way all circuits work under identical conditions.
I'm happy with that. Just to confirm, it is

26mm, 42p and -35dBV/Pa.

View attachment 143882
I will use this. It's from the datasheet, quickly reduced to the essential.
I'm happy with that.

But can you explain what you mean by
I will place a VCVS (voltage controlled voltage source) at the output, to allow each circuits gain to be normalised losslessly, while capturing all effects of the presumed preamp input.

This will make sure we get comparable results on a single plot.
Why can't we just measure the output across R1 & 2?

LTspice allows you to plot the difference between 2 nodes. This 'difference' can be signal, noise or other stuff depending on your type of analysis.

If I can find the file, I will also add an A-weighting filter to each circuit.
That would be 'interesting' as long as we don't forget the main and original 'noise interest'. Comparing noise spectra above 4kHz

For those interested in the subject, there is a Jurassic MicBuilders discussion on noise weightings with Dipl. Ing. Wuttke of Schoeps, myself and various true and pseudo gurus. The concensus was (surprise, surprise) A wtg had little to do how quiet a mike sounded or the annoyance of the noise .. but yus true mike gurus will already know that.
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Why can't we just measure the output across R1 & 2?

Because each circuit has different gain. So direct measurements are not useful. A circuit with high gain will have more absolute output noise, but also mor signal.

LTspice allows you to plot the difference between 2 nodes. This 'difference' can be signal, noise or other stuff depending on your type of analysis.

So can TINA of course.

That would be 'interesting' as long as we don't forget the main and original 'noise interest'. Comparing noise spectra above 4kHz

Which is pointless unless we can model Brownian motion noise of the capsule and other related noise sources.

Otherwise HF noise will likely be dominated by this, so the electronic noise is irrelevant, if low enough.

My issue is how to add a good model of Brownian motion noise to my capsule model.

For those interested in the subject, there is a Jurassic MicBuilders discussion on noise weightings with Dipl. Ing. Wuttke of Schoeps, myself and various true and pseudo gurus. The concensus was (surprise, surprise) A wtg had little to do how quiet a mike sounded or the annoyance of the noise .. but yus true mike gurus will already know that.

This is a whole other debate.

Noise audibility vs SPL and Spectrum is WHAT SHOULD inform our tests, but it's not. Just like THD testing ignores relative audibility of distortion components.

So measured noise, either A-Weighted or unweighted tells nothing how audible or objectionable this noise will be, while measured THD tells nothing how audible or objectionable this distortion will be.

But as said, this is a separate debate.

Why can't we just measure the output across R1 & 2?
Because each circuit has different gain. So direct measurements are not useful. A circuit with high gain will have more absolute output noise, but also mor signal.
Of course ! Hence the Adjusted for on-axis sensitivity curves on page 11 of Zephyr.doc

But I withdraw my question about your VCVS. I've had a good look at the beast in LTspice and it greatly simplifies my attempts to replicate your sims.

Even dis old beach bum can lern nu tricks :)

That would be 'interesting' as long as we don't forget the main and original 'noise interest'. Comparing noise spectra above 4kHz
Which is pointless unless we can model Brownian motion noise of the capsule and other related noise sources.
Please stick to YOUR original challenge to my statement that YOUR circuit has >10dB more noise than Zephyr's above 4kHz.

I'm sure your facility with modelling Brownian noise is better than that of a beach bum who last did such hard sums more than 45 yrs ago.

What we CAN do is compare the simulated electrical with the measured noise. If the measured noise is only slightly above the the simulated electrical noise, we can make a good estimate of the level of Brownian (and other) noise ... at least for our frequency bands of interest above 4kHz.

eg If the measured noise is 3dB above the sim'd electrical noise, the Brownian and other noise sources will have about the same power as the electrical noise in that frequency band. If less than 3dB above, the electrical noise is 'dominant'.
Noise audibility vs SPL and Spectrum is WHAT SHOULD inform our tests, but it's not. .... So measured noise, either A-Weighted or unweighted tells nothing how audible or objectionable this noise will be,
I'll refer those interested in the audibility and nuisance value of noise to the Jurassic discussion in MicBuilders where several gurus chime in who have conducted carefully controlled listening tests and other guru stuff on the topic.

For our little comparison, let's just plot the noise spectrum above 1kHz. This covers my claim nicely

while measured THD tells nothing how audible or objectionable this distortion will be.
Thanks for this Thor. I'll remember to quote you when your sims show your SupaDupa circuit has a zillion times less THD than SimpleP48, SimpleP48RCA or Zephyr's version of the Schoeps. As I'm sure they will ... cos you've told us so many times :)
Please stick to YOUR original challenge to my statement that YOUR circuit has >10dB more noise than Zephyr's above 4kHz.

Let's see, but I remembery "back of envelope" noise calculations that you poh-pohed suggest it would have 13dB more noise in the flat band, contributed by resistors, but the 1G + capsule pink noise would be dramatically lower.

So I think I already demonstrated that my circuit should have greater flat band noise than "Simple P48 (zephyr we leave for later) but less LF noise.

I'm sure your facility with modelling Brownian noise is better than that of a beach bum who last did such hard sums more than 45 yrs ago.

To do it right is non-trivial. I'm kinda hoping to somehow use a simple RC circuit to simulate violet noise of appropriate levels.

What we CAN do is compare the simulated electrical with the measured noise. If the measured noise is only slightly above the the simulated electrical noise, we can make a good estimate of the level of Brownian (and other) noise ... at least for our frequency bands of interest above 4kHz.


eg If the measured noise is 3dB above the sim'd electrical noise, the Brownian and other noise sources will have about the same power as the electrical noise in that frequency band. If less than 3dB above, the electrical noise is 'dominant'.

This is not quite correct. If we have uncorrelated noise with identical spectrum (frequency response) and level, total noise will increase by 3dB.

Noise adds root sum square.

One noise source 3dB quieter still contributes to total noise.

1.4uV ^ 2 + 1uV ^ 2 = 2.96uV ^ 2

SQRT(2.96) = 1.72uV


For our little comparison, let's just plot the noise spectrum above 1kHz. This covers my claim nicely

Nope, let's plot SNR and effective output noise density in V|/Hz from 20 Hz to 20kHz, as this is what most people are interested in.

Thanks for this Thor. I'll remember to quote you when your sims show your SupaDupa circuit has a zillion times less THD than SimpleP48, SimpleP48RCA or Zephyr's version of the Schoeps. As I'm sure they will ... cos you've told us so many times :)

On top of that, the spectrum of harmonics (say we use the weighting of Distortion proposed by D.E.L. Shorter of the BBC in the 1950's, nothing too newfangled and unproven) will induce less audibility of what Distortion is there.

Extra reading accessible directly: (ignore the malware warning, the site is legit):

Let's see, but I remembery "back of envelope" noise calculations that you poh-pohed suggest it would have 13dB more noise in the flat band contributed by resistors, but the 1G + capsule pink noise would be dramatically lower.
Wow! I was only claiming >10dB :eek: We'll see what TINA has to say :) We can go over your calculations when we have some results.

Wanna give us a number for "dramatically lower"?
This is not quite correct. If we have uncorrelated noise with identical spectrum (frequency response) and level, total noise will increase by 3dB ...
Which of course is what we are measuring. But let's not quibble over semantics. I think we are singing from the same hymn sheet. We can do detailed calculations with your results.
Nope, let's plot SNR and effective output noise density in V|/Hz from 20 Hz to 20kHz, as this is what most people are interested in.
Yes please. I attach my poor efforts with LTspice. The red gain curve is to normalise the noise to the input (for your SNR). The scale is 3 decades for both curves so you just move my noise spectrum (your effective noise density) up or down by the distance the gain curve is from 1.

I also attach SimpleP48.txt with the models including Guru Scott Wurcer's model for j305. Please use this to model Zephyr's circuit.

He developed it specifically for our Jurassic MicBuilders discussion on FETs, noise, mike circuits & their foibles. He's used it in other forums and, I think, also in his Linear Audio articles.

A lot of the FETs in da LTspice library are TERRIBLE for noise .. as Guru Wurcer pointed out and I've just re-discovered. They may be OK for other stuff.
On top of that, the spectrum of harmonics (say we use the weighting of Distortion proposed by D.E.L. Shorter of the BBC in the 1950's, nothing too newfangled and unproven) will induce less audibility of what Distortion is there.
Please stick to your original plan. "Noise, THD @ 94, 104, 114, 124 and 134dB if it still makes sense. Would you like something different."

I've already conceded your SupaDupa circuit will have less distortion but I want to know by how much and when it (and SimpleP48RCA) clip(s)

Just the spectrum of harmonics plotted against level will do. Will give us an idea of what happens beyond clipping too. The waveform when it clips would be nice


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Wow! I was only claiming >10dB :eek: We'll see what TINA has to say :)

Yes, I noted that the 1G resistor noise and the use of fairly high capacitance J-Fets not very suited to Microphone use will likely erode the SNR advantage.

I've already conceded your SupaDupa circuit will have less distortion but I want to know by how much and when it (and SimpleP48RCA) clip(s)

My design target was 134dB (no pad) without clipping, which is for a -34dB @ 60V bias capsule operated at 35V ~ -39dB so 11.2mV @ 94dB, or 1.12V RMS input at 134dB to the circuit.

Output should be close to 2 x Vin.

That is why I have 20V for the J-Fet frontend and thus quite high value source and drain resistors that add noise, as tradeoff to lower HD, capacitive influences etc.

Every design is a tradeoff.

I have however noticed the noise complaints from those who nature record fly farts as 30 paces and realised I can reuse the generic BM-X00 PCB for a slightly more complex design that should bring flatband noise in line with Zephyrs circuit.

So I will look into noise more. I have spare current to burn if I can lower noise.

Wow! I was only claiming >10dB :eek:

And that actually brings up full circle on the topic.

The bottom line is that usually the circuit itself that is used and various noise soures in the capsule add so much more noise than the J-Fet used, that very counterintuitively lower noise J-Fets actually increase relative circuit noise and higher transconductance J-Fets that we expect to lower distortion actually increase it.

What is important is not who makes the lowest noise circuit (that is a strictly trivial engineering exercise), but what relative set of compromises are made in other domains to achieve the results in the domain under scrutiny.

So rather than myopic focus on one quality, we need to keep it all in view.

Well, except when we go "my b@ll$ are bigger than yours".

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I've already conceded your SupaDupa circuit will have less distortion but I want to know by how much and when it (and SimpleP48RCA) clip(s)

Lets start somewhere. Let's see if we can make our simulations agree.

SimpleP48 for DC:

3.24V DC offset. Really?

Ok, AC output at 94dB for a -35dB Capsule (50mV P-P input):

Almost 50mV. Well, the Mic is LOUD and LOUD is good, right? And just imagine is the input impedance is actually not 2.4k differential...

Input referred Noise density in nV|/Hz:

I find this graph "mostly useless", so let's have SNR vs spot-frequency:


~ 90dB at 20-20k looks pretty goshdarn excellent.

HD at 94dB (0.83% THD):


Yup, that's nearly 1% (T)HD. That's a lot.


At +20dB(Pa) (114dB) we get over 10% (T)HD.

Is this a microphone that makes an acoustic guitar into an electric one in overdrive?

Enough I think.

Ok, so what next?



Scaled to the same 35.35mV @ 94dB SPL (1PA) input (files will be attached):

Well, that looks terribly noisy, right?


Ok, so 80dB unweighted SNR. So 14dB SPL absolute noise vs 4dB for "SimpleP48". That is very important if capturing flyfarts at 30 paces, much less relevant if we capture a vocalist at 1 Ft.

Now HD at 94dB (0.003% THD), that is ~ 50dB less HD than SimpleP48:

HD at 114dB (0.03% THD - predictably) that is ~ 70dB less HD than SimpleP48:

HD at 134dB (15% THD clearly clipping) waveform:


The original Mic this was designed to expect a little less level for this SPL.

Yup, that's UGLY, but still NOT THAT UGLY for clipping. It's pretty soft clipping, pretty tubey (which is also something I wanted).

And yes, it is the relatively current starved output stage is clipping and it is clipping because it is limited to 1.2mA per output to allow sufficient bias for non-electret LDC capsules.

If we remove the Bias (e.g. actually use the 26mm Gold Diaphragm Brass Capsule - which is really good actually) we can push up current in the output stage and lower HD at high SPL and increase the clipping point.

So we have a few compromises in the design. Everyone does.

Final noise, while acceptable is 10dB higher than the FET/Capsule is capable of in the best case.

Can we live with that level of noise?

Not if recording at fly farts at 30 paces, that is for sure. One foot from a Vocalist who is channelling a blowsy Janis Joplin or tries to sound like Joss Stone, I think it's perfectly acceptable.

Distortion is generally low even at high SPL, but clipping sets in earlier than we would like, due to us using very little current in the output stage to bias the capsule from phantom power, rather from a noisy switching step-up circuit. It also means keep cables fairly short.

Can we live with the < 134dB level for clipping (128dB shows H3 dominant at 0.35% THD, that is the output stage that is at fault).

Unless the Mic is in a Kick-Drum hole opposite from where the kicker hits, probably yes. Even in the kickdrum case we may be able to live with it, as it will crush the extreme peaks nicely and cleanly (open loop design) while being clean on the rest.

In the end it's a set of compromises like any design.

For a design that fits the "useless" BM-X00 circuit board, is extremely cheap to implement and was conceived on a rainy Sunday afternoon, I guess it is possible to do worse. Quite a bit worse. I am also 100% sure it is possibly to do better.

Do I need better so badly that I will work hard for it for free, instead of hanging at the beach? Write in your guess.


PS, .zip file with the two circuits attached, simply open and run in TINA(-TI). Signal is set for 50mVPP or -35dB/PA at 1PA/94dB.

PPS, I will have a go to see how much of these 10dB I can claw back with "Guru" Level circuit, without compromising the rest, but I'm quite happy as is.


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a slightly more complex design that should bring flatband noise in line with Zephyrs circuit.
When we've finished this comparison, I'll do some SupaMuntzing; ie removing bits, not to reduce cost but, to improve performance.

No need for "Guru" level, more complex stuff :)
Lets start somewhere. Let's see if we can make our simulations agree.

SimpleP48 for DC:
... loadsa good stuff from Thor which shows SimpleP48 has 10dB unweighted 20 - 20k Hz noise advantage over Thor's Supa circuit. :eek: Didn't expect that as I only claimed >10dB better noise above 4kHz.

Also SimpleP48 has poor THD (which we know and I've conceded)

But Thor Supa has at 134dB spl (15% THD clearly clipping) :eek:

Ok, so what next?
Please repeat the exercise with SimpleP48RCA as you proposed.

So far, you've only confirmed what we've both conceded (which is good). The only 'new' info is that your circuit's overload performance didn't quite meet your exalted expectations.
The original Mic this was designed to expect a little less level for this SPL.
?? ??

Let's move this exchange to new ground that might help others design better mikes by repeating the exercise with SimpleP48RCA and Zephyr's circuit.

So we have a few compromises in the design. Everyone does.
In the end it's a set of compromises like any design.
I will have a go to see how much of these 10dB I can claw back with "Guru" Level circuit, without compromising the rest,
SupaMuntzing will give a better 'compromise' ALL round ... when we finish these comparisons :)
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When we've finished this comparison, I'll do some SupaMuntzing; ie removing bits, not to reduce cost but, to improve performance.

Let's see.

... loadsa good stuff from Thor which shows SimpleP48 has 10dB unweighted 20 - 20k Hz noise advantage over Thor's Supa circuit. :eek: Didn't expect that as I only claimed >10dB better noise above 4kHz.

Resistor noise is broadband.

I never claimed this circuit as "Supa" just as simple, good enough and fits on the PCB that comes with the Chinese BM-X00 (e.g. BM-800) body.

It was done very rapidly and based on what parts were on the shelf or could be ordered of Taobao for rapid delivery.

As the BM-X00 is a variant of Schoeps I simply went to the original, added the cascode, set the circuit to values that provided adequate performance for my (and likely most) people's needs.

So far more "Jerry rigged" than SupaDapa

I never claimed especially low noise, especially low distortion or anything, just that results better most of the china sourced commercial LDC's for a fraction of the cost.

If anyone claimed SupaDupa Guru Circuits, that would be you.

Also SimpleP48 has poor THD (which we know and I've conceded)

And SimpleP48 has a large DC offset which will magnetise the cores of input transformers, degrading low frequency Distortion performance and LF frequency response, not that you'd notice mind you, with this, given the huge level of HD from the Mic.

So far, you've only confirmed what we've both conceded (which is good). The only 'new' info is that your circuit's overload performance didn't quite meet your exalted expectations.

It meets my expectations with the original capsule and bias it is designed for. It was not designed for this 26mm Capsule, though I used it unchanged with that capsule as well.

Also, I think we pretty much confirmed my back of the envelope noise calculations.

I could adjust several circuit parameters easily to lower noise and push clipping to higher levels, but the point was to compare the circuit as presented.

Let's move this exchange to new ground

I will do that when time allows and do an overall article, comparing interested, high performing circuit topologies.

SimpleP48RCA and Zephyr's circuit.

If I get time.

SupaMuntzing will give a better 'compromise' ALL round ... when we finish these comparisons :)

I have my doubts, seeing the SupaMuntzed SimpleP48.

All I need to do in my circuit to drop noise dramatically is to increase the phasesplitter current to ~2.4mA at which point we get 2.2kOhm source and drain resistors and similar noise to SimpleP48.

I am already clear how to do that on the existing BM-X00 PCB's easily, though it will need an extra coupling capacitors to avoid decrease capsule bias excessively.

Which scotches my "gate wire in Air directly at the capsule tag" assembly. Everything is a compromise.

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I never claimed especially low noise, especially low distortion or anything, just that results better most of the china sourced commercial LDC's for a fraction of the cost.

If anyone claimed SupaDupa Guru Circuits, that would be you.
I've only claimed a 1dB noise advantage over Zephyr and >10dB noise advantage for Zephyr over yours above 4kHz.

So I suppose I've claimed >10dB better noise than yours above 4kHz too. :) I've made no other claims

If that counts as claiming SupaDupa Guru Circuit, I plead guilty.

You, on the other hand, have said about a zillion times, "results better most of the china sourced commercial LDC's for a fraction of the cost." You made other claims too but searching this thread for things you 'forgot' you said is becoming a PITA

.. not that you'd notice mind you, with this, given the huge level of HD from the Mic.
Please repeat your exercise with SimpleP48RCA.

The only 'new' info is that your circuit's overload performance didn't quite meet your exalted expectations.
It meets my expectations with the original capsule and bias it is designed for. It was not designed for this 26mm Capsule, though I used it unchanged with that capsule as well.
Err.rh! Have you changed your expectations from #355?

All I need to do in my circuit to drop noise dramatically is to increase the phasesplitter current to ~2.4mA at which point we get 2.2kOhm source and drain resistors and similar noise to SimpleP48.
You'll have to do some SupaMuntzing too if you want to get similar noise to SimpleP48, SimpleP48RCA and Zephyr's circuit. :)

So no cheating! No sly Muntzing!

Damn! I've probably let out my obvious SupaMuntzing secret. :eek:
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