Transformer Blueprints for Download

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004
got one of them freebie 30 day trial websites, so here are some files,  still adding...don't know what's up with the funky ad,
Very exciting stuff ,

I think your page mightl need a crowd fund,  donation or  gift type  button CJ , dont underestimate the goodwill that could be coming your way for your  efforts on the teardown bench over the years.
Transformer winders the world over , both the diy'rs and pro's will be doing back flips  for it ,

i'm a registered commie from the mcCarthy era, can not accept donations,  :D

i might spring for the 5.95 a month, the site is very user friendly,
donate button sounds funky alright ,  :eek:

theres other creative ways to word it though , a 'Thank You CJ' button  ;D
I cannot access the site!
Malwarebytes (antivirus software) blocks it claiming it contains some insecure script...
I opened it up at work, we have our computers locked down tighter then a cats butthole, if there was any issues, I would have prevented me from getting access. But it was fine...
Love it CJ.  I had no problems.  I know that google flags sites that don’t have SSL security which is an extra 100 + bucks a year.  Maybe that’s what his computer caught.  I don’t see why you need SSL if your not selling anything.  Maybe one of the web gurus can explain it to me.  Anyway it’s great having the transformer info.  I have some of the bridging ampex transformers and love  finding the info on them on the site
Thanks CJ! Hope the resource stays up or we find someone to host your pages, should it come to that.
You may be a commie, but even mother Russia pays its curators/scientists.  ;D  You should open a patron page.  I'd donate.
It works for fine for me on my secondary browser ,

The transformer winding cards are superb , clear, concise ,they load up and display  in a moment  .

Every page brings something new , I like the symetry and layout of the great signal tx;s , even the title page and the clamping scheme for the inductor was just what I was looking for a certain job .

The guy who set up the winding shop  where I am and since retired, told me of the  covetous nature of transformer winding ,a kind of an insider knowledge that really only passes within the trade itself ,these little treasures were destined to be lost in the sands of time , now the finest audio winding sceme's ever devised are at our disposal  8)

Its a bit like spinning copper into gold , the value is all in the carefully exectuted winding schemes and materials , tripple nested screening ,

Thanks for the know-how CJ ,


Very impressive. Thanks, CJ. Probably the only moderately complete resource about transformers in the world!
Neve 2567 now up,  129 more prints uploaded, Langevin, Western Electric, more Telefunken, some of the guitar stuff is just raw measurements made with no take-downs.

i should be able to be self supporting through my own contributions, and others have offered mirror sites so we cool.  :D

will scour the Lab for lost items...
You could sell a CD/USB with everything on it. So after The Internet Falls (or GoDaddy collapses) we can sit around our cave-fires and wind transformers. The folks selling Linux distros on DVD for $6 (ex. have steady business. Sell 2-4 discs/thumbs a month, cover your hosting cost.