2 channels using same knobs?

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Active member
Sep 15, 2023
if I have a 2 channel mic pre that im using for my mixbus can I run both channels to the same knobs so I dont have to "match" settings I can just turn one set and itll adjust both channels equally?

Just be aware that dual potentiometers usually don't track well between sections.

True, there will be some variance, so depending on what level of precision the OP is looking for, a dual pot may or may not be a good solution.

If you need super precision between the 2 signals and really feel like nerding out, look into I2C digital resistors. You can control these with an Arduino that is the size of a postage stamp. A single pot on an analog input (0-5V), and the code can translate that into whatever is needed to set the digital resistor to the right value. It's all math, so you can put whatever curve you want in the code. Linear, reverse linear, log, reverse log, audio (which is different than log) - whatever makes you happy. I've done a small amount of research on these and some of the digital resistors are better for audio than others, so the google will be your friend. I've not used them since I haven't wanted to build something that could benefit from them (yet).

Thinking about it for a second ("where could these be useful?"), these could be used to make the worlds fastest compressor. 🤔
Thinking about it for a second ("where could these be useful?"), these could be used to make the worlds fastest compressor. 🤔
Not only fast but also very flexible in emulating the control characteristics of various compressor/limiter classics. An exciting idea. Digital sidechain?😎
zipper noise, just say'in

..for stereo pots needing good tracking, here's the secret: just buy a big handful - then select the one with best tracking. The clue is that the variation is always statistically distributed

/Jakob E.
For a mic pre you do not really need a continuous gain control. 5dB steps were good enough for Neve. If you want two mic pre gains to match well then use a stepped gain control.

