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Have you watched the film? I just did. The articles you posted misrepresent the claims in the film. The data analysts explicitly filtered for a combination of events and patterns in order to reveal only outliers that visited 10 or more dropbox locations and 5 or more poltical non-profit offices using geo-fenced pings.

They acquired millions of frames of video surveillance from state election offices that monitored drop boxes. Time correlation of a cellular data and video surveillance revealed the same individuals repeatedly dropping ballots at multiple locations. Many occurred (not surprisingly) between midnight and dawn.

Even if they have overestimated the magnitude of the problem, shouldn't any person who actually cares about election integrity want these identified individuals to be asked about their activities? As a person with a parent and several extended family members in assisted living care, I am very much concerned about (illegal in my state) ballot harvesting.

It boggles the mind how people who thought the 2000 election was problematic (I agree) and the 2016 election was affected by Russian interference (I disagree) can suddenly believe the 2020 election was the most secure we've ever had when, in fact, millions and millions of ballots had questionable chain of custody and state election laws were illegally pre-empted by election officials and other non-legislative branch government.
Have you watched the film? I just did. The articles you posted misrepresent the claims in the film. The data analysts explicitly filtered for a combination of events and patterns in order to reveal only outliers that visited 10 or more dropbox locations and 5 or more poltical non-profit offices using geo-fenced pings.

They acquired millions of frames of video surveillance from state election offices that monitored drop boxes. Time correlation of a cellular data and video surveillance revealed the same individuals repeatedly dropping ballots at multiple locations. Many occurred (not surprisingly) between midnight and dawn.

Even if they have overestimated the magnitude of the problem, shouldn't any person who actually cares about election integrity want these identified individuals to be asked about their activities? As a person with a parent and several extended family members in assisted living care, I am very much concerned about (illegal in my state) ballot harvesting.

It boggles the mind how people who thought the 2000 election was problematic (I agree) and the 2016 election was affected by Russian interference (I disagree) can suddenly believe the 2020 election was the most secure we've ever had when, in fact, millions and millions of ballots had questionable chain of custody and state election laws were illegally pre-empted by election officials and other non-legislative branch government.
Probably not statistically significant and at this point those horses have already left the barn. As I shared multiple times France outlawed mail in ballots years ago because they invite fraud and corruption.

In my judgement the real election interference was hiding the Biden family shenanigans (Hunter's laptop, etc) from the public before the election. That news could have easily changed the vote outcome.

Getting accuracy from media is what should be the focus for 2024.

Probably not statistically significant and at this point those horses have already left the barn.
Except that we've left the door open and possibly removed it altogether (the new normal), so I'll disagree. It is important to recognize problems like this and fix them, not just "let it go."

As I shared multiple times France outlawed mail in ballots years ago because they invite fraud and corruption.

Which is obvious to anyone who's honestly thinking about it.

In my judgement the real election interference was hiding the Biden family shenanigans (Hunter's laptop, etc) from the public before the election. That news could have easily changed the vote outcome.
That was another big problem and it persists as well.

Getting accuracy from media is what should be the focus for 2024.
How are you going to undo decades of indoctrination in journalism programs? Better to open the eyes of the electorate to what's going on.

Except that we've left the door open and possibly removed it altogether (the new normal), so I'll disagree. It is important to recognize problems like this and fix them, not just "let it go."
of course election integrity is important, we can debate whether this is about appearances or actual vote count,

[edit- to expand upon this theme "appearance of election integrity". Our founders were very smart men and students of governance. To hold a republic (or democracy) together depends on the faith of the voting public in the vote collection and counting system. I appreciate that many are still angry about bad behavior during recent elections, we don't want to drill any more holes in the bottom of the boat by harping on vote integrity. The place for reforms are in state legislatures. /edit]

There were many vote procedure changes made last using the excuse of Covid.
Which is obvious to anyone who's honestly thinking about it.
It should be, but few seem to notice.
That was another big problem and it persists as well.
As I posted elsewhere 5th circuit decision critical of administration censoring social media with cooperation of big tech.
How are you going to undo decades of indoctrination in journalism programs?
This will take decades... Harvard was just declared a 0 out of a 0-100 scale for suppressing free speech. Colleges are supposed to be bastions of free speech.
Better to open the eyes of the electorate to what's going on.
I find it hard to fathom that the silent majority are not noticing the chaos all around us. But the media is claiming "nothing to see here" .

Interesting times....

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It should be, but few seem to notice.
I don't think people are blind enough not to notice the shenanigans. Most people are willing to look the other way if there's a benefit (or perceived benefit), generally speaking. This goes far beyond election integrity.
Have you watched the film?
I don't need to eat a rancid, maggot-infested egg salad sandwich just to check whether it's actually rotten or not. Dinesh D'Souza has a long history of falsehoods and bad faith arguments. He is a convicted criminal who violated campaign finance laws. He and True the Vote, the organization who partnered on this "film", have refused to provide the data or methods on which they based their claims. There seemingly are no "identified individuals" in the movie -- their faces are blurred (although it's still not enough to prevent them from getting hit with a defamation lawsuit). D'Souza claimed he'd "name names" in the accompanying book, but True the Vote immediately distanced themselves from it, and the publisher immediately recalled the book as it was hitting shelves to retract the naming-names parts. I can only assume at this point D'Souza and his fans have a humiliation fetish.
I don't need to eat a rancid, maggot-infested egg salad sandwich just to check whether it's actually rotten or not. Dinesh D'Souza has a long history of falsehoods and bad faith arguments. He is a convicted criminal who violated campaign finance laws. He and True the Vote, the organization who partnered on this "film", have refused to provide the data or methods on which they based their claims. There seemingly are no "identified individuals" in the movie -- their faces are blurred (although it's still not enough to prevent them from getting hit with a defamation lawsuit). D'Souza claimed he'd "name names" in the accompanying book, but True the Vote immediately distanced themselves from it, and the publisher immediately recalled the book as it was hitting shelves to retract the naming-names parts. I can only assume at this point D'Souza and his fans have a humiliation fetish.
Well, then. One has to ponder why you did not have the same visceral reaction to the Propublica articles recently linked on other Brewery threads where you participated and which were co-authored by a convicted murderer, Joshua Kaplan. I mean, if we're going to attack the messenger, let's at least do it equitably.

In case you've forgotten, Kaplan co-wrote this and other articles linked by several members on other threads.

Should we discard all of his writings as "rancid, maggot-infested egg salad sandwich[es]" because of his criminality?
I called out my local voting officials for misuse of mobile phones during the last election , I reported it to the local sherrif of elections , I followed up on it after and found that they had placed strict new rules on the use of mobile phones by election oficials , what they also told me me was each constituency area has its own rules , so even though my area had a policy on it , no other political divison in the country was bound by their rules and it was upto each to come up with a policy on it or it is allowed to proliferate .

That CCTV was hacked to harvest biometrics , hardly surprising is it? cross referenced with with smart phone metadata ,

Western democracy has well and truly trumped itself ,most of them like headless lemmings to the social media rag press .

Elections are rigged in by the thing in the palm of your hand at this stage ,
What boggles my mind is if we can print a serial number on every denomination of paper currency why can’t we do the same for every ballot in the u.s.
Should we discard all of his [Joshua Kaplan's] writings as "rancid, maggot-infested egg salad sandwich[es]" because of his criminality?
Fine by me. You can dismiss everything he's ever written or co-written and it doesn't change the undisputed facts that Clarence Thomas per his own current admission accepted gifts without reporting them, which is what was under discussion in that other thread.
Meanwhile, my criticisms of D'Souza clearly, obviously weren't just "oh no he once did a crime" but about his long history of political dishonesty, which yes includes his fraudulent campaign contributions, and his refusal provide the alleged evidence that supports his claims in 2000 Mules. You sidestepped those for a failed try at whataboutism.
Fine by me. You can dismiss everything he's ever written or co-written and it doesn't change the undisputed facts that Clarence Thomas per his own current admission accepted gifts without reporting them, which is what was under discussion in that other thread.
Meanwhile, my criticisms of D'Souza clearly, obviously weren't just "oh no he once did a crime" but about his long history of political dishonesty, which yes includes his fraudulent campaign contributions, and his refusal provide the alleged evidence that supports his claims in 2000 Mules. You sidestepped those for a failed try at whataboutism.
He was pardoned by the president.
Fine by me. You can dismiss everything he's ever written or co-written and it doesn't change the undisputed facts that Clarence Thomas per his own current admission accepted gifts without reporting them, which is what was under discussion in that other thread.
Meanwhile, my criticisms of D'Souza clearly, obviously weren't just "oh no he once did a crime" but about his long history of political dishonesty, which yes includes his fraudulent campaign contributions, and his refusal provide the alleged evidence that supports his claims in 2000 Mules. You sidestepped those for a failed try at whataboutism.
No whataboutism involved in exposing double standards. But keep whining.
What boggles my mind is if we can print a serial number on every denomination of paper currency why can’t we do the same for every ballot in the u.s.

Back in the 70s when they were already performing instant call in polls for TV shows I speculated about technology to incorporate phone systems for vote collection. My thought was attach a dongle to each phone set that the phone company could electronically interrogate over night and register the vote results.

Of course since getting older and wiser(?), it isn't remotely that simple. 🤔

FWIW my voting place keeps the actual paper ballots so they could be collected and counted. I still like the idea of collecting thumb prints with indelible ink to ID voters after the fact.

He was pardoned by the president.
And? He pled guilty.

No whataboutism involved in exposing double standards. But keep whining.
It's not a double standard to point out D'Souza long and obvious history of dishonesty, whom you are promoting, without researching the background of every writer who had co-authored an article those someone else linked here. Nor is it "whining" to point out your own dishonesty and attempts to distract. Seems like I hit a nerve.
And? He pled guilty.

It's not a double standard to point out D'Souza long and obvious history of dishonesty, whom you are promoting, without researching the background of every writer who had co-authored an article those someone else linked here. Nor is it "whining" to point out your own dishonesty and attempts to distract. Seems like I hit a nerve.
It's a double standard to only call out messengers who say things you heard from MSM or "influencers" or "fact checkers" that you should disagree with and not those (convicted) murderers on the left. Your buddies here constantly pick at sources that I post (or JR, etc.) and now you want to claim it's bad (or whataboutism) to check on the background of sources? I'm aware of D'Souza's conviction and some of the details. Your other allegations are opinion.

You won't watch a short Jimmy Dore video but feel like your opinion about it is valid and now you won't watch a free stream of a film and pull the same ridiculous "logic." Try harder.
It's a double standard to only call out messengers who say things you heard from MSM or "influencers" or "fact checkers" that you should disagree with and not those (convicted) murderers on the left.

From the bro who literally poo-pooed a Bob Ward story as ignorable due to partisan bias?

AnalogPackrat said:
I object to his obvious bias. Who signs his paycheck? Who manages his work product (including said hit-piece)? Only a blind fool cannot see the conflict of interest.

Yeah, what that guy said!

And? He pled guilty.

It's not a double standard to point out D'Souza long and obvious history of dishonesty, whom you are promoting, without researching the background of every writer who had co-authored an article those someone else linked here. Nor is it "whining" to point out your own dishonesty and attempts to distract. Seems like I hit a nerve.
A plea-bargain, while the outcome is the same is far different then being found guilty of your peers.
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