I've followed this project for quite some time, and would love to attempt a build. I'm looking to construct a 16x4, or 16x8 mixer, so would I need 3 boards and pan boards for each channel?
If so, I'd be in for 3 of the main boards and 16 pan boards
Let me know when you can and I'll Paypal the money over to you.
Considering my level of building skills this will be ambitious, but I have plenty of time, so I'm sure I can do it.
I'm picturing a simple 16x4, or preferably a 16x8 sub mixing board with Penny and Giles faders/ pan pots/ and possibly a 500 series compatible socket I can switch in or out of the circuit for each channel so I can choose to add EQ/compression in the future.
I figure I'll start building the Gar's now=D
Please let me know what I would need.
I'm very excited to get started! Again, let me know when have availability.
my email address is phaudio (at) hotmail (dot) com