I´m finishing a pair of them right now but I´m a bit in trouble...
The pad doesn´t seem to work properly in one unit. The whole unit looks fine, just I don´t feel the level is being padded.
The other unit gave me some headache, I etched my own boards and had a few bad traces, anyway, I ´m not getting any "wet" sound, bypass is ok, pot turned all the way "dry" is ok, but when I turn it to 100% wet it doesn´t sound. I need to put some time on it, I think it can ´t be so hard
I´ve played a bit with the working one and I have to say it´s great, even with the pad don ´t working looks like you can get different flavors depending on how hard you hit the input and playing with the timing to create different pumping effects. I ran some thin and boring vocals recorded with an AKG 414 and a Green preamp and them came back to life, also in a Rhodes it was great.
Thanks for the effort irfrench!