Sorry for the delayed responses guys - been busy:
in number 1 the pot has a centre ident at 12oclock position where it says 0dbs.
number 2 it's exactly the case you described all the way it's 0dbs.
is it possible to have a pot that acts like the example in picture 1?
Hi Whoops
You can print anything you want on the front panel.

The pot is an attenuator only (gain comes from the gain switch) and cannot be made to add gain without significant departure from the original design.
I searched for alternatives to the P&G 120€ pot,
what do you think of these ones?
If you really don't want to use P&G, I would start by searching for some "decent" conductive plastic potentiometers and trying them to see how they sound and feel. My resentment for cheap pots comes from their poor operation over time, the way they degrade sound/add grain, and how rough they feel. If you come to find out that none of the pots work out you can always switch back to "faderless" by putting the resistor back in - shouldn't take more than a minute.
if your not too busy PM me when you get the chance, I've been trying to get ahold of you for 2 or 3 weeks but your box is full.
Hi Richard, please email me at: 1290preamp [at]
hello Martin, i received 4 pcb 3 days ago
thanks; thanks; thanks!!!!
Hi Nikonet, you're very welcome and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!
is this pre amp the same used in the neve mic pre 1272 .
Hi Skal1, up to 50dB a (correctly wired) 1272, a 1290 and a 1073 (w. eq disengaged) should sound absolutely identical because their inards (BA183, 10468, LO1166) are absolutely identical WITH THE EXCEPTION OF: an additional pre-stage (BA183NV) in the 1290 and 1073. (the 1073 also has EQ of course) A 1272 was designed as a bus amplifier, and was never meant to have more than 50dB of gain. To get more than 50dB of gain without adding significant distortion, the 1290 and 1073 switch in this extra pre stage. Any 1272 with more than 50dB has been "hacked/cranked" and should not be taken serious past 50dB. (IMHO)

They are great fun to record with and get used all the time!!
Hope this helps!!