got a bit of a weird one here!!!
Have built 8 x API-312 channels in 3 different cases, a 4 channel, a 2 channel and another 2 channel.
the 4 channel version works fine and has red pcbs i cant remember where from, im using the same basic psu for all x 3 so i dont think its a psu issue as im getting +/- 18v on each unit also getting 44-48v on each unit for phantom.
My issue lies in the two stereo units, when nothing is connected I get 44-48v phantom no problem, as soon as i put in a mic, then phantom drops to 23-30v on pins 2 and 3?
my input txf are sowter 4220 which are 4.71:1 which i use in reverse, im using a 25k rev log gain pot and im using 2520 in one unit and 990 in the other for DOA.
resistors and caps on phantom section are 6.8k to pins 2 and 3 with the 220uf/63v and 470R, the led and 6.8k.
the pad is the 120R and the two 470R.
The R7 150k and 220pf i've left out and R6 is 10k
R5 is 10k, C7 is 100pf , R4 is 100R, C6 is 220uf.
one of the stereo nit has OEP 1:1 as output txf and the other has the proper output txfs.
can anyone help with why both units are dropping in voltage when mic connected please?