My green pre is slowly dying !!!! :'(
I build a quad green pre 2 years ago, I didn't used it a lot due to studio changes... But I really like the sound of it .
Some months ago, the first channel died ! The 10r psu decoupling resistor located just under the pads for the gain switch burned (litterraly) as did the the first 10r resistor just above the first IC, and the NE5532 on it's left (the first one) also burned, the IC socket is totally melted!!
I thought I made something wrong and as I didn't had much free time and didn't need 4 preamps, I just disconnected the first preamp PSU and keep the 3 others. But yesterday, the second one burned the exact same way, after 3 weeks of intense use!
I'm betting the other two will die the same way in the next future... :'( :'( :'(
I already checked my voltage (fine), and replaced the two burned resistor, placed a new socket and a new IC, but they burned after a few minutes...
Do you guys have any idea of what's going on ?
Everything was fine for some months, and now... the pre is dying... :'(