Sorry to re-hijack, but am redifining the term "should give up DIY" :wink: and am lookin for some troubleshooting advice, as I've for the moment run out of ideas as to how to narrow down the problem.
I'm still troubleshooting my 4 channel green pre.
3 of the channels pass the IC voltage checks, but 1 channel is down to a problem I can't figure out.
Pin 7 of IC one is sitting at 4 Volts ( which means pin 1 and 2 of IC2 are sitting at the same).
History: When I initially plugged this channel in, it smoked the power supply (due to confusing orange with red in a couple places (100K vs. 10K resistor thing).
Rebuilt the power supply, found the resistor problems in channel 3 and fixed those.
I've replaced quite a few of the components in the front end of this. All the electrolytics, and the BC550's.
I've resistance checked all the resistors, and compared against the known working channels, and everythings coming up equal.
Anyone else have troubleshooting tricks in their bag that might direct me towards where the problem might lie?