Hey Guys,
Here a question for all of you LA-2A builders... Resistors...
In the Uaudio Reissue they have gone with Carbon Comp Resistors, I guess to keep in step with the 'original' design.
I've been looking into reasons, or rather trying to understand WHY a particular resistor type was used and over another and I've found through Google a few bits of info and I can rightly/wrongly sumize the following...
Resistors suffer from 3 types of noise: thermal noise, shot noise and contact noise (through there are are others). In tube amps thermal and contact are the main players.
All resistors have thermal noise and this noise is independent of type so for example a 1K Metal Film will have the same amount Thermal noise as a carbon comp Resistors of the same value with the same voltage across it.
Contact Noise (1/f Noise) is the result of fluctuations in the conductivity of the Resistors materials, particularly bad in Carbon Comps, this increases in volume as you increase the current though the resistors. So if we increase the current across it 5 times, we increased the noise 5 times.
In order of least noisy you have Wirewound, Metal Film, Carbon Film, Carbon Comp etc.
I think the discussion for using Carbon over say Metal Film is that they 'sound more musical', but that for means the 'noise' is more musical, not the sound passing through the Resistors, and in that case if you used Metal Film, you would have less noise, which seems better than musical noise?
So why use Carbon Comps in something like the LA-2A? Does it make a big difference in tone if you put in metal Film instead? I'm sure you get a much bigger difference in sound say swapping the transformers rather than the resistors, or the tubes you use, is the tonal quality effected by using Metal Film over Carbon Comps?
I've heard people say it sounds 'cleaner' with metal film, what does that mean? Are they referencing 'cleaner' being less noisy with 'dirty' referring to the sound they get from noisier Carbon Comps?
Has anyone had the chance to A/B Metal Film vs Carbon Comps in the LA-2A project and noticed a perceivable audible difference?
Thanks in advance for your comment. Tube/Valve stuff is all kind of new to me and this is my first HV project having wrapped up COUNLESS transistor ones.