So I'm picking up an older Amerimex StudioMixer II this week, I will have to build a psu for it...
I've done as much googling as I can and it seems they were a California based outfit in the 80's that started building modular studio consoles...but frankly except for a few ads in some recording mags I have not found anything about them...
This one is 24 channels and has 10 big VU meters(and a smaller cue Vu meter that is broken)...supposedly all these were handbuilt (per tapeop message board) which might explain the short life span and why no one has heard of them...
I figure for $100 the worst I end up with is 10 really nice VU meters and a bunch of scrap...on a good day it might be a decent opamp with EQ channel I can mod...
The one I am getting has 24 channels and a master bus...runs on -/+ 15/48 will need to get a tranx/psu...looks like a 7 pin amphenol
has unbal/bal output/ effect In/Out and Direct Out for each channel...
Anyone ever hear of them?
I've done as much googling as I can and it seems they were a California based outfit in the 80's that started building modular studio consoles...but frankly except for a few ads in some recording mags I have not found anything about them...
This one is 24 channels and has 10 big VU meters(and a smaller cue Vu meter that is broken)...supposedly all these were handbuilt (per tapeop message board) which might explain the short life span and why no one has heard of them...
I figure for $100 the worst I end up with is 10 really nice VU meters and a bunch of scrap...on a good day it might be a decent opamp with EQ channel I can mod...
The one I am getting has 24 channels and a master bus...runs on -/+ 15/48 will need to get a tranx/psu...looks like a 7 pin amphenol
has unbal/bal output/ effect In/Out and Direct Out for each channel...
Anyone ever hear of them?