I am like a real oldster, and I have worked on lots of tube gear.
I have a pile of info stuck up there about tubes.
I also have Modded a lot of tube gear and discovered thier dar and dirty secrets. That altec Compressor has a serious flaw. The original tube, the 6bs8, is one of a series of tubes, 6bs8, 6bz8, 6bk7, 6bq7, 6aq8, and a couple others that have the ability to be controlled by varing the grid bias.
Vary-Mu is kind of misleading because any tube varyies Mu or gain some with bias change. Most tubes are fairly stable and gain is a function of grid and plate resistors, plate voltage, and screen voltage.
Thes 6 Volt dual triodes were designed for tuners. RCA comes out with a new TV set and designs the 6bc8. Then GE comes out with thier latest and designs the 6Bz8 etc. and a whole series was done up. Then years later the why and other types that relate is lost.
The problem with these compressors is this. I have run into this when working on Vintage gear and just more secrets lost in time. This compressor was sent out with tested, special versions of the first tube. The balance in the two triodes as to gain is critical because if the gain is off, then one side of the output stage drives too hard, and the compressor "Thumps", and sometimes oscillates.
Even old guitar amps came with special versions of tubes, so they do goofy stuff sometimes when using new versions.
The solution to making this a stable, and very decent compressor, is to use a pentode-triode type, like a 6GH8, 6Bl8, 6AN8, 7199 etc. the pentode as first gain stage, the triode as phase splitter. Then the gain control voltage goes back to the pentode, and the signal is split very balanced, so no funny Bizz Mit the Thumpys or other fun.
You can use the same socket, just change out the dual triode.
Again, 6bc8, 6bz8, 6bk7, 6bq7, 6aq8, 12ay7, 12au7, 6bs8, 6bc8, and 12at7 are all fairly close in specs, and used original for some tuner and some audio circuits. 12au7, 6bk7, and 6bq7 are the warmest sounding.
I had a studio send two of these to me about six years ago freaking out, and I found that, since they were used mostly for PA systems for schools, they never had to deal with complex signals, so the imbalance does not cause much of a problem, and in schools or other PA use, the thumps get lost as no low end in these systems.