Antagonist in Chief

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So the CBP data doesn't mean anything?
I just told what I thought of the CBP data puncho812 mentioned.
All the first hand accounts from property owners near the border are narrative-driven fabrications?
I don’t talk to them regularly or ever. Therefore, I have no reason not to think it’s pretty well the same as it’s always been.
DEA drug seizure data at and near the border are what?
Please point me to exactly which data you’re speaking of. Regardless, if it’s strictly seizure data, the same applies as the encounters data.
MAGA semi-fascist fear mongering? I've never seen denial so deep.
I think I’ve made it very clear that I’m not denying anything there. I’m just highly aware there’s a big difference between political team feelings, what’s actually happening, and how closely they can intersect.
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“Different people see different things. But as I understand it, there doesn’t have to be. If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified. Even by thinking about it,” he asserted.

“It doesn’t have to be a process. It can be a process but it doesn’t have to be. You’re the president. You make that decision. So when you send it [to Mar-a-Lago or “wherever”], it’s declassified. We—I—declassified everything,” Trump insisted

That's quite a claim.
And I’m President of the United States… Oh wait…

You know if Barr goes against you on that one (he did), you might be in trouble and try a different defense (his lawyers have).
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That's quite a claim.

"If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying it’s declassified. Even by thinking about it,” he asserted."

For me that is now the #1 stupid out of that guy's mouth, replacing even this one:

“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

How anyone can take that guy seriously, much less vote for him, is beyond me. But as PT Barnum may have said, there's one born every minute.
For me that is now the #1 stupid out of that guy's mouth...
It's telling that Trump's lawyers aren't even making this argument in their filings, because even that is a bar so low they dare not pass under it.

Just so John can keep up on the news from his home state:
Former head of Mississippi's Dept. of Human Services pled guilty to fraud and conspiracy in exchange for his cooperation and testimony. 77 million stolen from the poorest people in our poorest state. Keep it classy, Mississippi GOP!

Ex-Mississippi DHS Exec Pleads Guilty To Federal, State Crimes In Cooperation Deal

Glad he was caught. Using your "logic" we can smear all Atlanta Democrat politicians based on this corruption case, right?
Just so John can keep up on the news from his home state:

Former head of Mississippi's Dept. of Human Services pled guilty to fraud and conspiracy in exchange for his cooperation and testimony. 77 million stolen from the poorest people in our poorest state. Keep it classy, Mississippi GOP!

Ex-Mississippi DHS Exec Pleads Guilty To Federal, State Crimes In Cooperation Deal
Sadly this isn't very rare these days... Huge government spending invites huge fraud. Govt workers are not very prudent about spending OPM.

Shrink govt spending and shrink the fraud.

Watchdog identifies $45 billion paid in fraudulent COVID-19 unemployment claims article

I won't respond in kind. Remember that I lived in GA twice before. ;)

I won't respond in kind. Remember that I lived in GA twice before.
I'm pretty aware of what goes on in my state--both Dems and Republicans. I was pointing it out to you because you seemed to be ignorant of the details when I brought it up before, and unwilling to read the article I linked to.
The more likely scenario is that they expect these migrants to become a new future voting block to support the democratic party down the road. Ironic perhaps that these migrants especially ones escaping socialism (Venezuela) or communism (Cuba) are probably more conservative than I am.
…And we’re back here again… You’ve already told me you didn’t know what the great replacement theory is and you don’t watch Tucker Carlson, but here it is going full-frontal; it’s very mainstream now thanks to political narratives. This garbage is all rooted in the history of the KKK and white supremacy; just watered down for today’s audience.
“Temptation! What this world is all about. When Adam picked the Apple, and the Juice came running out.”

Duke Robillard
“Temptation! What this world is all about. When Adam picked the Apple, and the Juice came running out.”

Duke Robillard
Oh, yeah....more of that corruption:
The company hired by Florida for DeSantis's campaign stunt is a helicopter outfit with close ties to one of DeSantis's peeps. Of course they had to subcontract the Martha's Vineyard flight to a company that actually flies fixed wing jets.
When govt money is there, business is ready to grab it. Quid pro quo many times is a nice name for corruption.
…And we’re back here again… You’ve already told me you didn’t know what the great replacement theory is and you don’t watch Tucker Carlson, but here it is going full-frontal; it’s very mainstream now thanks to political narratives. This garbage is all rooted in the history of the KKK and white supremacy; just watered down for today’s audience.
I kind of hate this but you made me look up "great replacement theory"... Now I know what the political meme means.

That has nothing to do with what I said. You actually quoted it so maybe read it again slowly...

JR said:
they (democrats) expect these migrants to become a new future voting block to support the democratic party down the road. Ironic perhaps that these migrants especially ones escaping socialism (Venezuela) or communism (Cuba) are probably more conservative than I am.

I think it is instructive that the first Mexican born congress woman Rep Mayra Flores (is that the correct pronoun?), was recently elected in southern TX. No doubt a consequence of the border cluster fsk.

I kind of hate this but you made me look up "great replacement theory"... Now I know what the political meme means.

That has nothing to do with what I said. You actually quoted it so maybe read it again slowly...
I honestly did and nothing changed. I have no idea what you read, but here are the first two non-ad results from Google:
I highly recommend you look up the endless Carlson clips to hear just how ugly it is, if you really want to get dirty.
I think it is instructive that the first Mexican born congress woman Rep Mayra Flores (is that the correct pronoun?), was recently elected in southern TX. No doubt a consequence of the border cluster fsk.
I really am not sure what that means. I don’t want to misinterpret, as I can pretty-well read that as you and Tucker are close friends.
When govt money is there, business is ready to grab it. Quid pro quo many times is a nice name for corruption.
Which is why smaller government is better. One less wasteful middle-man in the equation. We all remember Solyndra, TARP, and soon we'll have more with all of the EV and chip subsidies.
Discussed here by me as far back as Sept. 3, 2020. And a couple of times since. Thanks for noticing.
This sounds like the racially divisive "systemic racism" screed. I would have tried to ignore back then, as well as now. :cool:
I honestly did and nothing changed. I have no idea what you read, but here are the first two non-ad results from Google:
I highly recommend you look up the endless Carlson clips to hear just how ugly it is, if you really want to get dirty.

I really am not sure what that means. I don’t want to misinterpret, as I can pretty-well read that as you and Tucker are close friends.
Let's see if I can rephrase my thoughts more simply. This administration's actively open southern border is in my judgement not specifically about altering racial demographics as an end goal target, but for accumulating future political influence (votes). This strategy is based on the IMO flawed ASSumption that minorities "always" vote democratic. The new republican congresswoman from south TX reflects current thinking especially near the southern border.

For those ignorant of our history we are a nation of immigrants so a changing demographic is ingrained in our nation's culture. Of course we are also a nation of laws, so legal immigration should be orderly and follow the rules. The current border "free for all" (2M already this fiscal year) is unsustainable.

This divisive "everything is racist" theme has Mayor Pete declaring roads and even railroad tracks racist. Perhaps we would be better served by a transportation secretary who builds more roads instead of tearing existing ones out. CA takes this to a new level of stupid declaring diesel trucks racist.

I grow weary of being called racist/white supremecist. Calling all white people racist, is defacto racism.

Maybe read/watch less opinion attack pieces about fox opinion shows, and glance into a mirror.


PS: I am still not going to watch Tucker Carson... I prefer watching "the Five", and "Gutfeld!"
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