API 312 Thread!

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Paul, the lorlin pcb mount doesnt fit in the board. :sad: But it will on next revision.

... thanks Fabio, of course saw that this morning, top right on data sheet... passed over that circular pattern, looking for strip. for Grayhills looks like our friend in Rio may come through :) Good cause i already put RGs in on a board... and CTS are 11-pos...

If you want to cut/paste/post or send any of that list anywhere, cool... checked all the spec sheets agin and again before, now most parts are here, miraculously they all seem to be right. Maybe, will see. surplus on that list cause i counted to match all the parts i can for 4 channels...and extra parts for 4x1731+4x2520BC opamps, and match those too...

Those pics are NICE... specially fish-eye Fabio self-portait :)

Jeff came over to my tiny la-bore-a-tory last night to check boards out, i think he is pumped...

If any other newbies out there trying to figure out PS schem, my latest revelation was looking on manufacturer data sheets for REGs... and voila there are familiar-looking app circuits :)

anybody have a 'how to test transistors' link?
Just to make sure:

The two jumpers in the X pattern on the PCB by the POL relay are needed to invert polarity, correct? I didn't see any jumpers on some pictures that were posted.
[quote author="Bauman"]Yes, not pretty but you need to make the X :thumb:[/quote]

Oh no !!! The fashion PCB police are going to get you for that one.
hey Fabio:

I justed fired up your power supply unloaded and all voltages checked out fine :thumb: !!!

I'm confident with the parts list, so let me know if you want me to post it somewhere.

I'm waiting on a few parts from Digikey and my input iron, then I'll be ready to test the 312s...

I can't wait !!!
[quote author="Greg"]hey Fabio:

I justed fired up your power supply unloaded and all voltages checked out fine :thumb: !!!

I'm confident with the parts list, so let me know if you want me to post it somewhere.

I'm waiting on a few parts from Digikey and my input iron, then I'll be ready to test the 312s...

I can't wait !!![/quote]

Greg, I would very much like your parts list for DigiKey if you don;t mind sharing. I have been sitting on this project for a while because I have been to lazy to source everything.


As soon as you preamps are ok, pls send me your shop list so I can update mine to other guys!

Hope to hear some coparison with that original API sooooooon!

[quote author="Category 5"]Greg, I would very much like your parts list for DigiKey if you don;t mind sharing. I have been sitting on this project for a while because I have been to lazy to source everything.[/quote]

Sure, let me make my final pass on my PSU spreadsheet and I'll post that in a little while. I'm going to hold off on posting for the 312 circuit until I'm confident it's correct.
I went ahead and uploaded my parts list for the 312 PSU. Notice that this parts list is for an external PSU.

A couple notes:

1. The chassis/box I ordered for the PSU will fit the toroid and the PCB, but it's a tight fit. If you want a little more room, just get the next size up from what is in my parts list.

2. R5, R6, R9, and R11 are series resistors for the LEDs that illuminate to show a proper voltage. The resistors might change depending on what LED you use. At this time, I have not connected these resistors or the LEDs to the PSU. I will do that when I actually construct the working PSU. I'll update to revision 2 at that time.

Here's the link:
312 PSU Parts List - Revision 1

Please let me know if you find any errors or additional useful info.
I feel confident that I have a complete parts list for Bauman's API 312 PCBs. Keep in mind that this parts list is for ONE board, NOT a pair. If you're building a pair, some parts will need to be doubled (ie semiconductors and caps), and some won't (ie chassis and power connector).

Please let me know if you find any errors or problems.

API 312 Parts List - Revision 1
I think I'm going to be able to get my hands on a pair of, so I doubt I'll have to make them from your boards at the moment. But once I get then up and running, I'm going to make the BC and Melcor and see how that effects the sound of the preamp. Should be very interesting !!!

hey Fabio, just out of curiousity, what's the availability of getting some more of these boards?
Greg, I have none left :?
Last time I did 20 more than you guys order to have some to myself but they are all gone ...

I plan to make some more to me, I´ll let you know if you like...

And I´m dying to hear from you guys the comparison from stock against the BC and PP versions...

[quote author="Bauman"]Last time I did 20 more than you guys order to have some to myself but they are all gone ...[/quote]
you get that

I know how it feels to start a project and make a few boards then others get involed and by the end of it all ...
you miss out
I´m very happy after all Kev, that was a lot of work but in the end several folks do like it and will make some music out of it. It´s crazy!
It worth every minute spent, no doubt.

btw Kev, your couple channels and Peter P. one are gone also :green:

and I´m now the most hated client of the mail service... the line grows when I stuck there...

it´s all good!
:?: Do you like this :?:
