API 525 compressor

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[quote author="ask"]Would stereo linking be possible with the larger boards only, or not at all?


Available on both
Here is the switch count. The black caps are interlocking jobbies.

Hi mates,
this looks all very interesting. As soon as boards are available, I would like to buy at least 2 large ones. I hope that the API 525 project is not too difficult for me. Are there any exotic, hard to get parts?
Peter, your work is very much appreciated. Count me in for 2 boards.
[quote author="enthalpystudios"]is that a 4pdt? [/quote]

Yes, half of it is used for lamp supply and half for on/off.
I think a hard bypass is going to be better than the on/off jobbie. Still requires a 4 pole, with one pole switching on an led.

I'd be interested in 2 of the PCBs
I'd like to build 2 compressors, as my first real DIY (after messing around with repair stuff)
So, yes I hope it is not too difficult.

sidechain, yes please!! maybe the thrust circuit?????
stereo link? yes!
this would rock!!

OK boys... final push.

There will be no stereo link on board. If going into a 500 series rack, it'll create all sorts of problems. Those that want it can achieve it by wiring to the in and out pots.

Any suggestions... now is the time.
