API knobs

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I've gotten the vermaline/api-like knobs from Don-Audio, and although they are very expensive they have a variety of sizes and colors and for concentric pots. They also have a good selection of shaft adapters, haven't tried those yet but seems they have most shafts covered: shaft adapters

I am looking for quality inserts for the knobs; the one's Don have are of paper and easily wrinkled. Does not survive more than a few rounds of disassembling the knob from the pot. I do remember the ones that I got together with the API knobs CAPI used to sell way back, those inserts were of plastic and much more rigid. Better glue as well. I believe they were 3M products. Maybe someone knows?

I'd love a source of cheaper knobs of this style. I got the big api knob from AVD, and was surprised how small it in reality was (no datasheet, should've gotten the clue from the shaft hole but hey).

Chia Shin has a lot of cool knobs, anyone ordered from them before? I couldn't find the CS288/api like knobs on their site although the link from earlier in the thread still is active... wonder how their prices are... I guess they are more oriented towards the industry and not hobbyists, but they don't have a minimum order quantity...
I've gotten the vermaline/api-like knobs from Don-Audio, and although they are very expensive they have a variety of sizes and colors and for concentric pots. They also have a good selection of shaft adapters, haven't tried those yet but seems they have most shafts covered: shaft adapters

I am looking for quality inserts for the knobs; the one's Don have are of paper and easily wrinkled. Does not survive more than a few rounds of disassembling the knob from the pot. I do remember the ones that I got together with the API knobs CAPI used to sell way back, those inserts were of plastic and much more rigid. Better glue as well. I believe they were 3M products. Maybe someone knows?

I'd love a source of cheaper knobs of this style. I got the big api knob from AVD, and was surprised how small it in reality was (no datasheet, should've gotten the clue from the shaft hole but hey).

Chia Shin has a lot of cool knobs, anyone ordered from them before? I couldn't find the CS288/api like knobs on their site although the link from earlier in the thread still is active... wonder how their prices are... I guess they are more oriented towards the industry and not hobbyists, but they don't have a minimum order quantity...

I ordered their colored circle things, but I have a feeling I will end up using some sort of plastic backer. OR, I have a friend with a laser cutter, and he could just cut me something with that out of some thin stock. On my last CAPI build his colored inserts were just basic stickers.

The pot-shaft-adapters I found most useful were these from Banzai. I used them on my Studer 169 builds because the pots from AML were all 4mm, and my favorite knobs are all 1/4 inch.

The knobs I just ordered are for an API clone build I'm working on, and the pot shafts this build calls for are 1/8th inch, thankfully Jeff at CAPI has these adapters.

But if anyone knows of any other shaft adapters they've seen for sale around the internet, please post them here. It's always useful info to have.
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So I got the knobs in from Don Audio very quickly back in late June or early July, and I put them in the project bin with the rest of the stuff for my API build, and I had some time tonight so I thought I would test fit them to see how they look.

The set screws stripped out immediately without using any force. Both screws. So I tried another knob and both screws instantly stripped out on that one as well.

The set screws are stripping/slipping so quickly it almost feels like they might be a smaller size than the tapped hole. I'm beginning to wonder if the holes could possibly be tapped for English threads (since they're "American" knobs) and they put metric (slightly smaller) set screws in there? It seems like thread pitch wouldn't line up if they did that, and thread pitch does seem to line up on these.

I have used many knobs in the last few years and have never stripped out any set screws no matter how much force I used to tighten them. These stripped instantly, so something is up. As is they're completely useless to me and I paid 43.27 Euro for 5 of them.

I emailed them. We'll see what they say.
So I got the calipers out to do some measurements. It appears as though they are tapped for #6 english threads. When I thread a #6 screw into the knob it fits perfectly and it tightens without stripping. Of course that screw has the benefit of being much longer than the set screw these shipped with.

The OD of the #6 screw shaft I used measured 3.43 mm. The OD of the set screw the knobs came with measured 3.44 mm. So that seems fine. I guess there just isn't enough threads gripping, even though it looks like there should be.

Well these things are useless as is.
Damn, that really sucks. Sorry to hear it - hope Don can sort the problem out for you.

These set screws are a tad longer that 1/8th inch. They measured at about .129 inches. My screw vendor here in the US sells 5/32 set screws which are a hair longer than these. They might work. But then that's cost I shouldn't have to absorb.
The different set screw idea didn't really solve the problem. Some held better, some didn't. So I bit the bullet and drilled and re-tapped them for #8 screws. The next size up. Hopefully the bigger diameter and bigger threads and such will have more holding power than the #6.

Looks like I own these knobs now! No sending them back at this point!

But on that score I am disappointed to say I emailed Don Audio about the issue Sunday night, and it's Wednesday and they still haven't replied to me.
Don Audio is very bad in communication. I've recently closed a PP claim with a refund after waiting for 2 months for them to ship the transformers. They didn't bother to reply both via e-mail and the phone. Only when I opened the case with PayPal did they showed signs of life.
No way I'm going to order anything from that store.
Don Audio is very bad in communication. I've recently closed a PP claim with a refund after waiting for 2 months for them to ship the transformers. They didn't bother to reply both via e-mail and the phone. Only when I opened the case with PayPal did they showed signs of life.
No way I'm going to order anything from that store.

Which sucks, because they do have a few unique products and I would like to order from them again for some other things.

In this case, I will have to try to find another vendor for knobs because I shouldn't have to do all of this extra work to be able to use a freakin knob. I have all kinds of knobs on dozens of different things I've built in the last few years, and I've never stripped out a set screw using such minimal force.
I got the same knobs and mine seem to fit nice and snug, bought 20 of the 14.7 and 16 of the smaller 11mm ones that also have screws that fit nicely. Maybe you got a batch with the wrong screws?

I can only second that the email correspondence with Don-Audio is terrible. I've sent numerous email to them without receiving any answer, to the point that I stopped trying. Altough all orders have been processed and sent quickly, always arrived well packed etc. A pity they don't take customer contact more seriously.

Anyone know of a source of these API pointer knobs in bigger sizes than 14.7mm? I got the "big api knob" from AVD audio, but it isn't really that big. Looking for something to use as a sort of control knob volume knob for my mixer (elma switch with it's pretty long shaft, so need a tall wide knob to hide the fastening nut of the switch).
I got the same knobs and mine seem to fit nice and snug, bought 20 of the 14.7 and 16 of the smaller 11mm ones that also have screws that fit nicely. Maybe you got a batch with the wrong screws?

The screws seemed like the right size, but I suspect when they went to tap them, the factory accidentally drilled a slightly too big hole, then tapped them, which led to not having enough thread to hold nicely. But retapping them worked fine. But I feel like they owe me about $10.
I ordered my API style knobs at the end of August 2021. I finally got around to finishing the unit they were intended for in the last week or two but also had a problem with the set screws just spinning. I swapped them out for M3 set screws and they worked worked great — but 15 euro + shipping !

Your API knobs were from Don Audio? I didn't try M3 screws because I didn't have any handy to test with, but the thought had occurred to me. I ended up retapping mine for a larger English screw size.

I'll try M3 next set I order.
Yes, the larger ones from don audio.

Got some small ones, too, but they seem to work fine, even if the set screws are a bit too long.
OK, so my API knob project is finally done for my ML12 build.

With these API style knobs I thought it would look cool to put a thin colored piece of plastic in there instead of that little colored sticker, so I had a friend who owns a Makerspace laser-cut me some little round acrylic circles to use.

These are a little translucent, which I think gives them a very cool look. They were cut from 1/16th inch stock, and I knew that would be a little thick (not sure if 1/32 stock is a thing), so I actually filed them to about 1/32 thickness so they'd have the right look. Many fingernails and layers of skin later on my fingertips later, I got them where I wanted them.

A little CA glue and voila.


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