Asperger anyone?

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I have Asperger's myself.  I don't think of it as a disability, but growing up around other "normal" kids was kind of a bitch.  Personally, I think the Autism spectrum is just human evolution.  Some are geniuses, and others are completely nonfunctional.  It's just nature's way of trying new things out and seeing what works.

As a side note, I love the singleminded focus that I have when it comes to solving problems.  I can see a complete solution in my head before ever starting the work.  People say I'm a perfectionist, but I just like to do things correctly the first time.  There is a difference!  A lot of my traits drive my wife and family absolutely bonkers, but they are a part of me, and make me so good at what I do.

When I was a kid, no one knew anything about Asperger's, or that there even was such a thing as autism spectrum disorder.  In fact, I didn't find out until my late 20's.  Many doctors tried to give me a diagnosis, and medicate me, but none of it ever really worked.  What I really needed was an environment that allowed me to excell. 

Thankfully, more and more people are learning about autism spectrum, and are beginning to understand more.  As it turns out, there really isn't anything wrong with that really smart weird kid who acts out all the time.  His/her brain is just wired a little differently than the other kids.  Maybe they'll be the next Einstein!  (Who I suspect had Asperger's as well)
usekgb said:
Personally, I think the Autism spectrum is just human evolution.  Some are geniuses, and others are completely nonfunctional.  It's just nature's way of trying new things out and seeing what works.

I think you're absolutely right.

MagnetoSound said:
I think you're absolutely right.

Unless it turns out to be caused by some common chemical we've been using for the past hundred years, not understanding the consequences.

"whoops, it was the bubble wrap all along"
Kingston said:
Unless it turns out to be caused by some common chemical we've been using for the past hundred years, not understanding the consequences.

"whoops, it was the bubble wrap all along"

In the end, the bubble wrap people will become the dominant species ;-)
Kingston said:
MagnetoSound said:
I think you're absolutely right.

Unless it turns out to be caused by some common chemical we've been using for the past hundred years, not understanding the consequences.

"whoops, it was the bubble wrap all along"

That's quite plausible, except I suspect it has probably been around for much longer than that.

Anyone want to already guess the name for the next fashion in psychology. I'm talking about the forthcoming generations where we have a large number of people completely socially non-functional in the real world having had various social medias as their only gateway to the outside world for all of their lives.

The brain is too malleable and delicate for this phenomenon to go on unpunished. They will clump people in a spectrum quite similarly to how this Asperger thing is dealt with today.
Kingston said:
Anyone want to already guess the name for the next fashion in psychology. I'm talking about the forthcoming generations where we have a large number of people completely socially non-functional in the real world having had various social medias as their only gateway to the outside world for all of their lives.

The brain is too malleable and delicate for this phenomenon to go on unpunished. They will clump people in a spectrum quite similarly to how this Asperger thing is dealt with today.

Sadly, I think they will be called 'norms'.

Very interesting.  I can vouch for some of his observations.  When I was growing up my brother and I were free to roam our entire neighborhood and during the day would routinely take long trips away from the house - to nearby woods and creeks and we did so with none of the  fears that seem to swamp the culture today.  All of my friends children are much more restricted in their playtime and are seldom allowed to venture out of their often tiny back yards, and mostly only allowed out during the daytime.  Line to draw somewhere between healthy caution and living in fear.
Hah, DIY electronics and software enthusiasts is going to have WAYYY higher numbers for persons on the Spectrum than other interests :)