Sure, lots of choices and features are always fun, but jacks with "make and brake" functions, extra switches and potentiometers, cause poor contact and error over time.
So that's why I chose to present this DI-box design in its simple version, to always work and sound good.
Why did I choose an input impedance of only 1 Mohm, when almost all other active DI boxes have 10 Mohm.
Well, there are three reasons for this, one is that my original design from 1975 has this, the other is that BJT transistors are easier to get with good quality for all of you DIY people, and the third is that 90% of all guitar and bass amps have 1 Mohms input impedance, and then you'll recognize the sound characters and the behavior of your knobs on the guitar.
But wait a while, and I'll come back with some good suggestions for you.
Although I can guess and propose a modification, I'm careful about testing and measuring it, so I do not leave something by chance.
If I suggest something, I want it to work fully.