I think the easiest way, ASSuming (as John always says) you have the normal computer daw setup going on here, is getting an analyzer program if you don't already have one. I've always liked
It has a sweep mode that looks and behaves similar to an Audio Precision.
There are other free ones but I'm not familiar with them, there are posts here regarding that if you do a search.
So just unhook the cables to your speakers and route them back to the audio interface input and do a sweep at different rotations of the 10K pot.
Just looked at the specs of the Meyer HD1 and it says 10K input impedance. So I would go for a 5K pot. Even better the 2.5K pot. I know the benchmark can easily drive that.
And I'm also assuming you have the wiper going to the speaker...
Just realized, you don't even need an analyzer program. You can just use a signal generator plugin within you DAW application, route it through the pot/ cables and back to a different track. Watch that tracks level meter as you sweep around frequencies with the signal generator plug in.