My rev A is ready but i Have some problems...
the meter ( hairball) work on +4 and +8 but not in GR mode I have checked all resistor and are OK
some problems with 20:1 ratio and nuke mode...
all the trimpots don't do nothing...
some ideas?
Thanks and sorry for my english...
What I would do is check the wiring between the switches & the mains board. If you used push switches, the diagram for interwiring wasn't very easy to understand. If you use it in conjucntion with the circuit diagram you should be able to work out any mistakes.
With regards to the meter not working there are a number of factors. Did you match the 2 transistors that drive the meter to within 10%? Did you match the fets ? Other than that there are some details further back on this thread about swapping out some of the 2k trimmer to 5k ones to give you more range. Also if you have any of the trimpots related to the meter at extreme settings then you may be out of range to get it working, since they all react with each other.