[BUILD] 1176LN Rev D DIY

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No offense bluezplaya, but your question above reads like me going to a mechanic and saying my car is broken... and then not giving and explanation of why or allowing the mechanic to see it!

HELP US, HELP YOU! How a about a pic to check your placement is correct, how is your grounding? You have given us VERY little to work with...


[quote author="matta"]No offense bluezplaya, but your question above reads like me going to a mechanic and saying my car is broken... and then not giving and explanation of why or allowing the mechanic to see it!

HELP US, HELP YOU! How a about a pic to check your placement is correct, how is your grounding? You have given us VERY little to work with...



None taken! A pic on the way :roll:






I hope these help. Let me know of any specific shots needed. I double checked the wiring for the ratio, attack, and release functions and they seems good.

Thanks for the help.
Um... all your onboard trimmers are incorrectly soldered in.... see pics help :?

You may also want to put some heat shrink over your exposed shield wires and did you deliberately omit the shorting plug in the GR Meter Driver part of the circuit?

Also you may be a bit late now but if I were you I would have put in some sockets for your 2N5457's... seems you soldered em in, brave :cool:

Now go fix your mistakes with the trimmers :thumb:

Ooh...I see the trimpots. I thought they were soldered correctly. On the board there are 3 solder holes together and then one seperately. So I need to move the leg under the trim screw to the "lone" hole and the middle and other leg of trimmer to the middle and other hole (closest to single hole)? I presume that is the way.

The shorting plug in the GR Meter driver?! Below the tracking adjust trimmer? Where do i wire it to?

Thanks a MILLION :green:

Man, this is NOT paint by numbers... try put in a LITTLE effort.... just THINK about it... the way you have your trim pots now the legs are ALL shorting with each other, surely you don't want them that way?

What seems LOGICAL? Just look at the schematic, and if you don't understand THEN ask questions...

You don't even have to look that hard as MANY folks in this thread have posted pics, many of which use the multiturn trimmers... how about just LOOKING at MNAT's pics in this thread?

Take a look at the FIRST post in this thread and take a moment to visit MNAT'S REV D page and LOOK at his board and watch the videos... I mean he has gone to ALOT of effort to provide all this info and so many don't even bother to look at it or watch his GREAT videos (Mako, you totally rock and thank you for all the work you DO put in, I really appreciate it!).

If I can spend several hours reading these posts (and I have, more than once), surely the same could be expected of you?



[quote author="bluezplaya"]Ooh...I see the trimpots. I thought they were soldered correctly. On the board there are 3 solder holes together and then one seperately. So I need to move the leg under the trim screw to the "lone" hole and the middle and other leg of trimmer to the middle and other hole (closest to single hole)? I presume that is the way.

The shorting plug in the GR Meter driver?! Below the tracking adjust trimmer? Where do i wire it to?

Thanks a MILLION :green:[/quote]
Man, this is NOT paint by numbers... try put in a LITTLE effort....


4x Neve 1290
8x Green Pre
2x API 312
12x JLM Baby Animal
1x SSL Comp
2x Pico dual mono
1x Pico Stereo
2x Pultec
Complete recap and EQ mod on 16 channel Yammy, plus PSU
...now 4x S800

I'm TOTALLY not lashing out toward that remark but I'm thinking...holy crap, that was a bit out of nowhere. The trimpots were a total oversight and I think I DO put a bit of effort in ALL my builds.

Anyways, like I said, I totally appreicate the help but I guess I'll try and take it from here.


Nobody is debating you have a high turn over of DIY gear or effort into their build, but in this case ALL the info to your questions lay in this SINGLE thread.... you can't tell me you managed to miss them all?

I say zeal without knowledge is a dangerous combination.... I'm talking about EFFORT into looking at the schematics, or even READING this thread.

My mood swing was not sparked out of nowhere... you claimed to be on some desert island and nobody is hearing your cry for help... I'm not aware you ever sent SMOKE signals to start with... how about being more proactive!

In those 19 days you mentioned you didn't once bother to post a pic or word your questions that would help us be of any help to you.... it took me all of 2 minutes to find your problems and point out another one, and the same in the S800 thread.

I've been working 18 hour days this week in studio and in what little free time I have I am trying to get on here and be of help, and feel I've done that for you... in fact I know I have... all I'm asking is that you try and be more proactive and help us help you and try and learn from your mistakes.


Well... "hey *******, try turning the trimpots the other way around" would have been better than "give a little effort around here." Anyhow, the board's layout was misleading "to me in my ignorance" in regards to the trimpot. I had a total brain fart when I saw the turn screw imprint and decided to mount the trimpots that way.

So anyhow, the compressor is working now. Back to mixing.
[quote author="nielsk"]I see around 1-1/2 dB of deflection on the meter in GR mode, and if I crank up the input it goes down, but there is no way to get it match the actual amount of compression. [/quote]
Assuming you have done the null adjust trim, have you matched the Meter Driver FET with the gain reduction FET? Sometimes you'll luck out and be able to get your meter adjusted reasonably well with a random pair but sometimes not.
[quote author="bluezplaya"]EFFORT?[/quote]
I don't think Matta was referring to the volume of stuff you've built but rather your question about the pads on the gain reduction meter circuit. They are referenced in the text of my Rev D page, the V2 PDF linked from that page and the calibration video. So he might have meant "effort" in the sense of have you looked at that page?

Oh, I see you've had another exchange since I've been slowly typing. So your gain reduction meter circuit is also working OK?
Have not trimmed the meter yet. But I know about the videos. Now that it is working, that is my next step before sliding it in the rack of toys.

Thanks Mnats,
[quote author="mnats"]Assuming you have done the null adjust trim, have you matched the Meter Driver FET with the gain reduction FET? Sometimes you'll luck out and be able to get your meter adjusted reasonably well with a random pair but sometimes not.[/quote]

Amen to that... I put in some random FET's in mine and my meter was all over the place... needed to match em and all seems well. Mako has some GREAT videos on his REV D page on the set-up of the NULL Adjust and Q Bias, great viewing and I'm trying to encourage him to get the 3rd one down... they are greatly informative!

[quote author="bluezplaya"]EFFORT?[/quote]

[quote author="mnats"]I don't think Matta was referring to the volume of stuff you've built but rather your question about the pads on the gain reduction meter circuit. They are referenced in the text of my Rev D page, the V2 PDF linked from that page and the calibration video. So he might have meant "effort" in the sense of have you looked at that page?

Oh, I see you've had another exchange since I've been slowly typing. So your gain reduction meter circuit is also working OK?[/quote]

Exactly, and before I go anywhere else, Mako, thanks again man, you bust your balls to give us these great projects and from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Your new REV A looks great... tell me... do you EVER take a break from this :shock:


Yeah, this project would have worked from the first time I fired it up had it not been for those trimpots being in the wrong way. So the calibration videos are on the mnats website? And on this thread?
Thanks for the reply
I have done the bias, null and "0" adjustments, they all work fine. As I said, it is compressing correctly. I have built 8 of the MC67s, they all worked fine and adjusted out correctly (and had a condiderable range of adjustment on the tracking), without matching the FETs. It seems unlikely that the FETs would be so out of spec that there would be no adjustment range at all..... I will try replacing the FET in the meter circuit, maybe it is bad. I have checked all the resistors, the trim pot, and the jumper, NPF.....
I keep thinking I did something stupid but I can't see it.
What should I see at the output of the GR FET?
Has anyone else built a REV2 with the 5088s?
[quote author="nielsk"]Thanks for the reply
I have done the bias, null and "0" adjustments, they all work fine. As I said, it is compressing correctly. I have built 8 of the MC67s, they all worked fine and adjusted out correctly (and had a condiderable range of adjustment on the tracking), without matching the FETs. It seems unlikely that the FETs would be so out of spec that there would be no adjustment range at all..... I will try replacing the FET in the meter circuit, maybe it is bad. I have checked all the resistors, the trim pot, and the jumper, NPF.....
I keep thinking I did something stupid but I can't see it.
What should I see at the output of the GR FET?
Has anyone else built a REV2 with the 5088s?[/quote]

Hey Nielsk,

Can you confirm that your GR METER has a path to Ground? Something overlooked with those used to the G/H Gyraf units (myself included!).

This from Mako's site

One subtle difference is that the GR (Gain Reduction) meter setting doesn't ground one terminal of the VU meter in the discrete version as it does in the IC circuit and special rotary control PCBs have been designed with this in mind.

Sorry if it seems rudimentary, just taking a shot in the dark here with you :thumb:


I have points 28 & 29 going to the meter in the GR switch setting, as per the schematic. 28 is to +30 via R79 (15K) and 29 is from the collector of Q13
I did not use the switch board, this is wired directly to the switch.
[quote author="nielsk"]Thanks for the reply
I have done the bias, null and "0" adjustments, they all work fine. As I said, it is compressing correctly. I have built 8 of the MC67s, they all worked fine and adjusted out correctly (and had a condiderable range of adjustment on the tracking), without matching the FETs.[/quote]
I was not implying that the unit doesn't compress or that you don't know how to build things and I agree that I seldom have had to match FETs within a unit. I'm not good at distance troubleshooting probably because...
[quote author="nielsk"]It seems unlikely that the FETs would be so out of spec that there would be no adjustment range at all..... [/quote]
...I completely missed this from your earlier post. I thought you could adjust but it was just out of range. I had this problem myself on the Rev A I just built. I could not get it to show a -10dB drop as it was just a little bit beyond the range of the trim pot. That's why I mentioned it. Sounds like the trimmer is out of circuit, but you said you checked the jumper...
[quote author="nielsk"]What should I see at the output of the GR FET?[/quote]
A change in the DC voltage at the source of Q11 of about 100mV when the unit is compressing 10dB.
[quote author="nielsk"]Has anyone else built a REV2 with the 5088s?[/quote]
Yes, I built my last one with '5088s in the Gain Reduction Control Amp. But there's no reason to believe they wouldn't work in the Meter Driver - the circuit isn't asking the transistors to do anything extraordinary...
I received another email. As stated in the Rev D board sales 1st post:
[quote author="mnats"]Please do not PM or email questions to me about boards, ordering or this project. Questions that are PMed or emailed to me will be paraphrased and answered in this or the project thread.[/quote]
[quote author="Someone living in the UK"]Is there a wiring guide/parts list etc for your dual 1176 layout?[/quote]
As stated on my Rev D page:
[quote author="mnats"]Generally, wiring the Revision D is the same as wiring a rotary version of the G1176. [/quote]
Of course you can just use the one included power supply. As for the parts list, that is also linked from my Rev D page. Surely you do not need me to multiply the number of parts times 2 for two units?
I managed to get some measurements off a correctly working MC76, terminal D of Q11 goes from +4.6v (compression off) to + 2.9V (compression on, 10dB). On the Rev2 I am seeing +10.2 to +9.8. I removed R76 & R67, they are correct.
Terminal S goes between -1.2v to -1 v
Terminal G from -1.2 to -0.98

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