There is still hopecrisotop said:If you can wait a couple of days, I'm currently selecting some...
Dean Roddey said:Could I just use a 300 and 600 ohm in series and be close enough?
Dean Roddey said:So, just a couple questions... They seem obvious but just to make sure I'm not missing something:
1. I'm using the Hairball kit. I assume that I don't need Mnat's input xformer board in that case, right? I just use the one that came with the input xformer in the Hairball kit? It's very much simpler and has fewer connectors than the Mnats one, but I assume that's because his supports various xformers and therefore some need more connections, eh?
Dean Roddey said:2. I noticed in Skylar's wiring guide that there were some resistors and caps wired into the attack pot I think it was, but I don't see those in the Rev D rotary wiring guide. Is that some optional or just something from a previous rev of these boards that is now not requird?
Dean Roddey said:3. I'm doing a rotary version. So I should just leave out R77 altogether on the main board, or should it be jumpered or something? I already put it in before I noticed that in the schematic it says not used in the rotary version, so I guess I'll to clip that one out, eh?
I must confess I know very little about wiring the rotary version. I believe those components on the pots are on the ratio PCB for the rotary version.
I believe R77 is the 8.2k resistor used for +8 metering and should not be on the main board at all. Are you getting it confused with R76 (also 8.2K)? R77 is on the meter PCB for the pushbutton version.
Dean Roddey said:2. I noticed in Skylar's wiring guide that there were some resistors and caps wired into the attack pot I think it was, but I don't see those in the Rev D rotary wiring guide. Is that some optional or just something from a previous rev of these boards that is now not requird?
Do you have to use jumpers and that for Mnats board for the Hairball Altran transformers?Echo North said:Yes the one you received from mnats is the original board that can be used for various input transformers including the one I sell. If you are using the transformer I sell then just use the board I sent you. It's designed by mnats specifically for this transformer, no jumpers needed.
luis said:Mike,
.. But doesn´t the altran need some links with the mnats tranformer board?
I don´t have my board right here, but I think there is some legend in the board on how to do it. I made some links on mine.
Whats going on with this? It's not on your store?Echo North said:I'm going to start selling transistors at my store.
I'll have match pairs of 2n5457's starting this Wednesday.
In the next 2 weeks I'll be selling 2N3708's and 2n5088's with high enough HFE's and within 5% of each other.
Hopefully that will provide another option.