First of all let me say thank you for all your help Jeff. You kept me from feeling adrift on a sea of ignorance. Your troubleshooting process was specific and easy to follow. However.... it seems that my final solution was..... magic. :/ I'm not sure I believe in elves that come to my workbench late at night and fix my broken projects but.... <shrug>
Let me back up. Yesterday I took the PCB out of the metal L bracket to inspect the solder points. Today I hooked the PCB up to the test jig and got correct results from testing the relay pins. I didn't expect that so I ran my sine wave sweep though the module and lo and behold I got an excellent frequency response through my analyzer plugin. I ran more tests: bypass in and out, filters in and out with varying slopes and cutoff points. All of it looked excellent on the scope. I ran some music through the module and it sounds fantastic.
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth but.... WTF!? I seriously pondered over whether my testing had been flawed but from the beginning I could hear the extreme low frequency roll off. I tested the module in two different 500 racks and I checked the freq response of my converter, patchbay, rack and other 500 modules. I tested the VC528 after swapping the DOAs and got different but equally messed up results. Yesterday the bypass switch did not affect continuity between edge pins 2&10 or 4&8 yet today bypass is working correctly.
Yesterday I did touch my soldering iron to the solder points on the bypass switch and the relays. Perhaps my memory fails me and I didn't retest after that? I thought I was being pretty thorough as I went through step by step. Testing after each change. I also hot touched the legs on one of the DOAs but again I could swear I tested after that and got no improvement.
Well, the most important thing is that I now have my VC528 working beautifully. Yesterday I went ahead and ordered a couple of prebuilt 2520's from Scott Liebers but that's ok. I'll use them when I build my second VC528.

I suppose I'll put one of his and one of mine in each module for balance and hopefully I won't have so many problems with the second build, or if I do perhaps my late night elves will sneak in and fix that one as well. <shake head> Really.... it's enough to make me question my sanity.
Thanks again.