I wasn't getting a healthy output but I think the transformer wiring change suggested above fixed that. The problem was that I started off with the calibration before I actually tried running audio in/out of the unit to see how it worked. I probably should have done that first.
I went ahead and tried the compressor out with the listed values for R7/R8 (47.7K, 9.1K) and R22 (12K) and sure enough there's audio and there's noticeable compression, so I may skip the calibration for now. It sounds about how I expected.
The last issue is these dang meters. I have the Sifam AL20-6-7 but there's no movement at all even after I adjust R88 all the way both directions. If I connect my DMM to the meter header, should I be testing for volts AC, DC, or ma? I'm wondering if I have a burnt out transistor or something, but it's the same on both boards.