I've reached at the step where I calibrate my unit. It powers on, passes signal, and overall tone sounds really good on the vocal I have it inserted on. On to calibration.
It's a Blue Stripe.
PSU tested and working perfectly. When I calibrate it, the output knob hitting the 11dBu mark seems extraordinarily low for the knob, down near the bottom of the range. My Q bias adjustment is probably 20% from all the way counterclockwise. Upon adjusting the R75 null pot together the trim pot on the front, my meter sits nicely at 0 and everything is good up to this point.
Upon adjusting for the meter tracking, I begin to notice an issue. My output knob reaches .775VAC, which is near "48" on the output markings (very low). When I use the input pot to try and trim the output up to 2.44VAC, I run out of room. The pot is maxed out around 1.659VAC.
Another thing I notice, which may be related, is that the two lower ratios don't seem to be showing compression on the VU meter. The top two ratios show significant reduction just with the test tone, but the lower two I can't get the move. I have metered every single one of the risistors on the ratio board and they all reflect what the schematic shows they should be.
Thanks for the help!
It's a Blue Stripe.
PSU tested and working perfectly. When I calibrate it, the output knob hitting the 11dBu mark seems extraordinarily low for the knob, down near the bottom of the range. My Q bias adjustment is probably 20% from all the way counterclockwise. Upon adjusting the R75 null pot together the trim pot on the front, my meter sits nicely at 0 and everything is good up to this point.
Upon adjusting for the meter tracking, I begin to notice an issue. My output knob reaches .775VAC, which is near "48" on the output markings (very low). When I use the input pot to try and trim the output up to 2.44VAC, I run out of room. The pot is maxed out around 1.659VAC.
Another thing I notice, which may be related, is that the two lower ratios don't seem to be showing compression on the VU meter. The top two ratios show significant reduction just with the test tone, but the lower two I can't get the move. I have metered every single one of the risistors on the ratio board and they all reflect what the schematic shows they should be.
Thanks for the help!