California quakes

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2004
third stone from the sun
We had a nice one hit today.

6.6 magnitude about 150 miles away.

Was in my car at the time and it felt like people were jumping in the bumper testing my shocks.
My apartment was rocking pretty good here in Anaheim

It was a smooth one at this distance but I bet it felt intense near the epicenter
the only shaker I ever experienced in person was in Anaheim at a NAMM show... IIRC it was a day or two before the show during a pre-show meeting in a hotel conference room.

It was a small one, but a bunch of my peers were worried. I've seen the movies.

Yeah a lot of damage but minor human injuries and no death. Much like audio waves up close it’s more sharp vs a rolling wave further away.
Best is to be prepared.  My only worry there is how to keep my beer cold. Do they make a solar powered ice chest/cooler?
pucho812 said:
Yeah a lot of damage but minor human injuries and no death. Much like audio waves up close it’s more sharp vs a rolling wave further away.
They are getting better at predicting imminent shakers, the faults in CA are well monitored, but I don't know how much warning time you get.
Best is to be prepared.  My only worry there is how to keep my beer cold. Do they make a solar powered ice chest/cooler?
A good quality old school cooler loaded with ice can keep beer cold for days (I did that before Hurricane Katrina). I've seen small peltier based coolers but they typically run from car lighter plugs. In theory solar could work, but I'd bet on ice, if you can still get some.

Did you lose power? (We lost it for several days after Katrina, but the only good thing about hurricanes is they are slow moving so you get plenty of warning. I made my own ice before it hit).

No loss in power yesterday, was 150 miles from the epicenter. However if I was closer it may have happened.  Worst case would be at the epicenter and lots of damage, could easily have a loss in electrical, water and natural gas.  What is really sad is for about 24 hours we get bombarded with what to do in emergency, and all the tips with what to do.  Most people will have it go in one ear and out the other. It will quickly be forgotten and no prep is done. I got my quake kit. It’s got the essentials needed.  I know my escape plan, but nothing can prepare for executing it.
So many are going to be caught without being prepared.
pucho812 said:
No loss in power yesterday, was 150 miles from the epicenter. However if I was closer it may have happened.  Worst case would be at the epicenter and lots of damage, could easily have a loss in electrical, water and natural gas.  What is really sad is for about 24 hours we get bombarded with what to do in emergency, and all the tips with what to do.  Most people will have it go in one ear and out the other. It will quickly be forgotten and no prep is done. I got my quake kit. It’s got the essentials needed.  I know my escape plan, but nothing can prepare for executing it.
So many are going to be caught without being prepared.
For decades CA has changed building standards to reflect the risk from local active fault lines.

Modern buildings there may be slightly more expensive but far safer than decades ago.  One positive aspect of regulation, perhaps they need to mandate immunizations for public health safety. You would think common sense would make that unnecessary but common sense is apparently not that common.  I was relieved to read that there were children and young adults in the UK getting measles (>500 cases in 2015) so US parents are not the only dumbasses.  :eek:

Building Code reflects it with automatic gas shut off and so forth. It’s the people I worry about.  Most don’t have a earthquake kit, gathering of necessities like potable water and food that will not spoil. And a lot of places are still pending certain retrofits to be up to code. Easy for an owner or property manager to skirt the issue for a long time
pucho812 said:
I missed the second one, the bigger one. I left Friday morning on a trip.  Will be gone all week, wonder what fell at my place.
My brother was out of town visiting wine country, but epicenter was about 100 miles from his house... I haven't heard back from him yet...

pucho812 said:
I hope he is ok
Thanx, I heard from my brother yesterday. He was back home for the 2nd shake.

He lives around 100 miles away from the epicenter and didn't suffer any apparent structural damage. I don't think his house is very old, so probably built using modern code.

pucho812 said:
...Much like audio waves up close it’s more sharp vs a rolling wave further away...

I was in Guatemala in the 90s when a 6.9 hit a few miles from where I was. I was outside the day after when a big aftershock hit. I looked out across an open field that was probably a half mile of open, flat ground, and the earth looked like waves on a beach, one following another. You could literally see the waves rolling through the earth towards where I was standing. Each time a wave got to where I was standing, the ground under my feet rose up a foot or two.

It was a wild experience and gave me a new perspective on the power of those things. Glad everyone’s okay.
Unfortunately, the news is reporting that a man in NV was killed while under his SUV effecting repairs. They only recently found him.
I felt both of them quite clearly sitting in my living room in the San Gabriel Valley, quite far from the epicenter. Was very surprised by the length and magnitude of the 2nd quake.
After you've been in a few, you get a sense of what direction the waves are coming from, how far, and the initial magnitude.
Something going on at China Lake? What sci-fi weaponry is the Navy testing now, with that huge expense account they've been given?
Since I don't make beer any more, I have 22 gallons of water stored at all times in carboys.
I suggest learning to drink beer at room temperature, like the Brits. I mean, c'mon, your gonna drink it anyway, right?
Or maybe wine goes better with seismic uncertainty.
We sometimes forget, or never knew, that we are sitting on a spinning ball of molten rock hurtling through space. This ball of molten rock has a thin solid skin, kind of like an egg shell but less brittle.

You want cheap carbon fee energy just dig a deep hole.
