Cardioid Capsule Repair?

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
I recently purchased a matched pair of SD Elation KM201 microphones with omni and cardioid capsules. The omni pair seems to be working fine, but one of the two cardioid caplsues doesn't sound right. These are suppose to be a matched pair, and the difference is quite dramatic between the two. It sounds as though the capsulse is blown cause there is no low end, and the top end sounds sizzly, but not in a good way.

Does anyone know where a replacement might be had, or if there is some way or repairing the damage capsule. Is there someone who specializes in repairing microphone capsules? I assume someone here must've had a similar experience at one point.


Here's a short MP3 of the 2 capsules. The first is the damaged capsule.

I have the feeling Elation is no longer in business. It was serveral years ago that The Sound Room was selling their microphones but have since stopped. These were a used pair. SD refers to Small Diagraphm.


my bad on the SD part. Are your sure there is a problem with the capsule and not the circuit. THe omni capsules are hitting differnt voltages in the circuit. I would go over that and make sure thats all good. As well as does the problem follow the capsules? I.E. if I take the "damaged capsule" and swap bodies does it follow the swap if that is the case then you can rulle out the circuit and lends to being the capsule.

what if anything have you tried in troubleshooting?
There could potentially be some electronics within the head itself which could be faulty too. Not very likely though.

I would carefully look at the electrical contacts first (springs, etc) and look for signs of wear or corrosion. A dab of contact cleaner can fix many problems, although this one sounds a bit too severe.

There are certainly some people here with enough experience with condensers to check over the actual capsule.
[quote author="jrasia"]I recently purchased a matched pair of SD Elation KM201 microphones with omni and cardioid capsules. The omni pair seems to be working fine, but one of the two cardioid caplsues doesn't sound right. These are suppose to be a matched pair, and the difference is quite dramatic between the two. It sounds as though the capsulse is blown cause there is no low end, and the top end sounds sizzly, but not in a good way.

Does anyone know where a replacement might be had, or if there is some way or repairing the damage capsule. Is there someone who specializes in repairing microphone capsules? I assume someone here must've had a similar experience at one point.




First, swap the capsules between bodies to rule out the electronics part. If the problem remains in the same body, then it is a faulty head pre, if it "changed" body, then it is a capsule.
The problem might be as simple as a condensation. Put the capsule into a plastic bag with fresh silica pack and leave overnight. If it did not help try to measure capacitance of the capsule. If it is way off compared to the second capsule, then the capsule is shot. I am not familiar with this particular brand and cannot give any specific solutions without actually seeing it.
[quote author="jrasia"]I have the feeling Elation is no longer in business. [/quote]

Here is a German Ebayer selling new Elation mics:

Maybe the company are still running then?
Here is the KM201 MSP6:

1,149 Euro ...... Not cheap then.
Alright, heres some photos, though I'm not sure how these help exaclty.
I have tried swapping the bodies and capsules with each other already.
It is indeed the one particular capsule. That is the one pictured below. The second photo is of the capsule with the windscreen removed.
The third of course is the body.




$1100 for these on ebay?!!!! That seems a little crazy when they are being compared to Oktavas.
The capsule innards seem to look similar to Octavas, with distinctive synthered brass backplates, used a lot in Russian capsules.
I think Gus has taken them apart and might suggest something.
Also, I'd call Sound-Room and maybe Taylor could help. In fact, he might have some capsules left, or something.
I think Marik is right that looks like a 012 type capsule build.

I would do what Marik posted and place the capsule in a plastic bag with a silica pack.

The body looks like an Oktava 012 can you open it? Screw the three screws inward just enought to pull the tube part off.

I an going to quess two transistors a fet and a pnp with 3 axial electros
[quote author="Marik"]The capsule innards seem to look similar to Octavas, with distinctive synthered brass backplates, used a lot in Russian capsules.

Both Elation and Oktava originated from the Nik-Fi factory.

I wonder if maybe they actually use identical capsules - the MC-012 capsule design dates from around the early 60's if I remember correctly.
Thanks to everyone who has tried to help out.

I haven't really had time to try any of these suggestions yet, but hopefully it will be something as simple as using a silica pack.

I tried calling the sound room but no one was picking up at the time.
I emailed Paul, but he seems to think that Oktava capsules are not compatible with these Elation bodies. Thats too bad.

I guess the quest continues. Who is this "Gus" anyways? Is he a member on here?


[quote author="jrasia"]Oktava capsules are not compatible with these Elation bodies. Thats too bad.

I guess the quest continues. Who is this "Gus" anyways? Is he a member on here?

You may be able to extract the actual capsule inside from an MK012 capsule and place it in your capsule-head if they disassemble easily. I don't know though - I don't own an MK012.

Gus is the guy who posted 3 posts above this one. He knows a lot about microphones.

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