Feeler: Group buy of 3U SDC capsules all 3 patterns (mxl 603 body)

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Remaining member had some unexpected life events that affected finances and communication is sporadic. However, I'm resolved to resolve this one way or another (including advancing payment for HC and omni capsules / taking on additional costs myself) and wire the full payment this week. Thanks to all who have trusted me with your money and waited patiently for (up to) a month.
Arrived today !! Thanks klem
Cheers! Great to get emails and replies here confirming receipt - they are arriving!

For all - I'd love to hear what they get put to use on, impressions, etc. Guosheng is aware of this thread as well, we owe him a great deal of thanks for providing these deep discounts to us!

Also, just a reminder that all USA buyers still have a ~25% refund coming from me, once all the import duty taxes are processed and accounted for. Could be as early as Thanksgiving, could be as late as mid March. As always I'll keep everyone posted in the group emails.
some folks may have already discovered this little gem, but in case you haven't... i discovered the 3mm capsule threads fine and passes signal on a banzai body! i haven't tested on anything other than voice, and don't have more than a single banzai body so can't speak for anyone else's experience, but it was a pleasant surprise for me in compatibility. seems the center pin on the cone side of my banzai body can travel more than an additional 2.5mm... hopefully you'll find the same, and it could be thought of as a dividend for your literal and figurative investment of patience and trust in me :)
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Got mine today, big thanks to Klem and Arienne Audio!

I really like the sound of these after some quick tests. And I was confident that they would work on the Banzai bodies as my MXL capsules thread almost completely onto the Banzai. But the post on the 3U capsule is quite a bit longer than the others and it almost prevents the threads from meeting on the Banzai body. It does screw on just enough to work, but hopefully I can figure out a way to mod the mic so it can screw on more completely...

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