Clean And Transparent Analog Pro Audio Devices Still Have Sense ?

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...Really it is so difficult ?

... Could it be the one that at the output simply makes what is fed in at the input sound better ?

some random example ,
why most of keyboardists ( and musicians that play other instrument types)
much prefer the sound of vintage Rhodes electric pianos
than any other replication (hardware and software ),
same for the Hammond organs ,

why many guitar players replace the factory standard pickups
with others that make sound better their new just purchased electric guitars ,
( ... something like the difference of a car with or without the turbo ? )
You still answer questions with other questions...
Try to be a little more analytical.
Remember that sound is an acquired taste. The notion of "musically better" is often "it sounds more like the sounds I heard when I was a teenager".
Even a different spoken language makes your reaction to sounds different. Some acoustical illusions don't work for people with certain cultural backgrounds. etc. etc.

So either apply scientific method, or discuss taste. Me, I like melons. Maybe you don't, but don't try to convince me melons are bad. Even food taste is genetic in some cases. If you don't like coriander (or cilantro), fi, it's in your genes.

I have a growing suspicion sound preferences are the same, just from observing musician's preferences. Especially guitar players, pianists and female vocalists.
If you don't like coriander (or cilantro), fi, it's in your genes.

I have a growing suspicion sound preferences are the same, just from observing musician's preferences.
Taste is a combination of congenital and habituation. That's the reason why most kids hate spinach and many adults love them.
Especially guitar players, pianists and female vocalists.
You want to be the next target of the Metoo brigade?:D
Taste is a combination of congenital and habituation. That's the reason why most kids hate spinach and many adults love them.

In the case of coriander and cilantro, it's all in your genes. Just like birds can't sense capsaicin at all. No "hot" in chilies for them.

You want to be the next target of the Metoo brigade?:D

That thought crossed my mind before I wrote it. ;-)

But I don't get many chances to observe harpists, fi. There's just a lot guitar players...
Even a different spoken language makes your reaction to sounds different. Some acoustical illusions don't work for people with certain cultural backgrounds. etc. etc.

So either apply scientific method, or discuss taste. Me, I like melons. Maybe you don't, but don't try to convince me melons are bad. Even food taste is genetic in some cases. If you don't like coriander (or cilantro), fi, it's in your genes.

I have a growing suspicion sound preferences are the same, just from observing musician's preferences. Especially guitar players, pianists and female vocalists.

Reason why music exist in many genres ? .... ( fortunately ) : )
(...and thanks to creativity element )

without delving into the vast universe : psychoacoustic ,
and staying within its "surface" ,
the biological conformation of the "interface" between
the auditory system , the nervous system ,
and the character of the human being ,

determines the preference of a main music genre and any secondary ,
depending on the natural perceived emotions and their entity ,
(in the absence of intake of altering "substances" ,
otherwise the reaction cannot be considered natural ,
but altered , though equally interesting scientifically )

apart from this ,
(...and misunderstandings)

the topic does not mean to define that the clean and transparent pro analog devices , are useless ,
on the contrary ,
In the various processing stages
( rec , mix, and the final master processing )
are useful precisely for not altering the sound of the source ,
(especially if result from processing (coloring?) with various effects)
while processing it in compression , and equalization ,
as needed ,

but : whether there is a real need for additional ,
in addition to those that already exist and meet the needs ,
(plug in included , ...also for "free" )

except for their expensive price ,

that creates a real need for alternatives at the cost of one-third ?

And that apart from that ,
there is more need for analog outboard
that offers the possibility of altering the sound in creative ways
other than existing .
Reason why music exist in many genres ? .... ( fortunately ) : )
(...and thanks to creativity element )

without delving into the vast universe : psychoacoustic ,
and staying within its "surface" ,
the biological conformation of the "interface" between
the auditory system , the nervous system ,
and the character of the human being ,

determines the preference of a main music genre and any secondary ,
depending on the natural perceived emotions and their entity ,
(in the absence of intake of altering "substances" ,
otherwise the reaction cannot be considered natural ,
but altered , though equally interesting scientifically )

apart from this ,
(...and misunderstandings)

the topic does not mean to define that the clean and transparent pro analog devices , are useless ,
on the contrary ,
In the various processing stages
( rec , mix, and the final master processing )
are useful precisely for not altering the sound of the source ,
(especially if result from processing (coloring?) with various effects)
while processing it in compression , and equalization ,
as needed ,

but : whether there is a real need for additional ,
in addition to those that already exist and meet the needs ,
(plug in included , ...also for "free" )

except for their expensive price ,

that creates a real need for alternatives at the cost of one-third ?

And that apart from that ,
there is more need for analog outboard
that offers the possibility of altering the sound in creative ways
other than existing .
If you already know the answer, then why ask the question?
" Opinions" ?
...Or are they perhaps forbidden in the "brewery" ?
You really don't seem to want opinions, because we gave you our opinions and you refute everything with a bit of hostility, without even being specific about terms (I am still waiting for the precise definition of the term "musical" when it comes to pro audio equipment). What you really seem to be looking for is bias confirmation, for people to tell you that you are right.
What’s musical. Very tough answer to come up with. In my days of recording music, I would do what I thought best Equipment to use but would try for getting the artist to be inspired by the sound of their voice in the headphones. Happy artist give the best performance. Many times it would be the microphone with an LA 2a but sometimes it would be a ribbon mic rather than a desser on a female voice. Or an ITI eq with topend lift. If you put your concerns more toward the artist when tracking, a multitude of things improve when mixing. In mastering cleanliness less is more seems like a rule of thumb unless it’s a bad mix that simple needs a rethink. For me the hi transients of instruments in digital need to be treated. Or it’s just an ear attack. Sometimes pulling the mic back fixes the problem assuming the room sound is working.
What is "musical" is surely subjective and probably means different things in different contexts, to different people. A musical loudspeaker design, means something different from a musical EQ, or even a musical performance.

What’s musical. Very tough answer to come up with. In my days of recording music, I would do what I thought best Equipment to use but would try for getting the artist to be inspired by the sound of their voice in the headphones. Happy artist give the best performance. Many times it would be the microphone with an LA 2a but sometimes it would be a ribbon mic rather than a desser on a female voice. Or an ITI eq with topend lift. If you put your concerns more toward the artist when tracking, a multitude of things improve when mixing. In mastering cleanliness less is more seems like a rule of thumb unless it’s a bad mix that simple needs a rethink. For me the hi transients of instruments in digital need to be treated. Or it’s just an ear attack. Sometimes pulling the mic back fixes the problem assuming the room sound is working.
I think you have proven my point: it doesn't mean anything, its just a word used to include arbitrary subjective concepts. This has been my argument all along, calling an equipment musical means anything (or nothing). Its a made up term, catchy lingo from equipment manufacturers to sell you something since everyone has their own idea of musical, and musical is always a good quality whatever you think it is. Its like when a producer ask for more "yellow" in the mix....

So since musical means whatever I want it to mean, I'll answer the OP, he asked if it makes sense to make clean and transparent equipment rather than musical sounding equipment, my answer would be yes, because that to me is musical
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