@MidnightArrakis. Would you be willing to share the working 3D file you have?
Also, not sure if anyone is following this with any interest anymore, but I (mostly) finished laying out a version of this project that would fit in that enclosure. Something like this:
View attachment 144904
Ultimately, I think a bicolor signal/peak LED per channel will be a lot easier than a true meter per channel (even though I'll miss it), and a stereo LED meter will still give it some metering. The layout isn't 100% locked in, but this would only require (8) channel PCBs, one FX send/return PCB, one monitor control PCB, and one for the mix bus, meter, and insert send/return. Plus fader strip boards...but those are pretty basic.
Don’t refer to the cue send as FX3. It’s a CUE. Yes it can be used as “FX”…but it’s a cue. Also I see you have 3 monitor selections. They all need the ability to be trimmed. Actually I doubt seriously that you need 3 monitors to select from for an 8 channel mixer.
There seems to be some confusion as to who this mixer is for in the market. You have features that would be found on hugely expensive consoles and you are lacking features that would be found on inexpensive small consoles.
The other thing I’ve noticed, I’m guessing a large part of the people using this will be using it for summing. I find it interesting that there is absolutely no flavor on the inputs of individual channels, and you solely rely on a fixed style of output to get your “flavor“.
Might I suggest that all inputs(Main ins as well as the cues when they are used as 2nd inputs to allow the console to be 16 inputs for summing) be set up to allow for a 2520 style discreet amplifiers but be populated with a standard, modern 5534 equivalent and allow for the install of discrete modules should the builder opt for that extra flavor.
That brings up another point and that is I don’t see any place on your console to turn the CUE, as it will here forward be referred to, into secondary inputs for summing.
I just feel like in my reading of this thread that there is a want for a bunch of features that don’t really appeal to the masses and a lack of the features that would.
I think the output stage should be completely modular and a certain amount of space be allowed in the back part of the chassis to allow for a builder to decide if the builder wants the Jensen 990, Neve route, tubes, or as I’ve discussed with Brian Roth a way to use external API modules as your output amps. Seems a much easier way to have different flavors at the output stage.
The layout seems good, not sure why there is all of this discussion about 3D printing etc. this whole thing can be on a flat panel with silk or laser engraved into a folded metal box back (angled) Not sure why you are making the easiest part of the design into a rabbit hole of insanity. Just look at the LILO or the SSL. Nothing crazy.
And again…. 90% DB25 and a few other XLR, 1/4” etc. for in/outs. Unless you want this to look like a high school shop project of a mixer built in 1970